Ages ago people fought over religious ideologies in Europe, they killed each other claiming their dogma was the true one.
Gradually freedom of thought started to gain momentum, secularism helped keep the religious wars at bay. We do not want bigotry to hold sway again.
Gradually freedom of thought started to gain momentum, secularism helped keep the religious wars at bay. We do not want bigotry to hold sway again.
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ElwoodBlues · M
Science is the god of atheists.
Nope. That's just you projecting. Religion is fundamentally different from science because there are no experimental tests in religion.Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. When someone says 'science teaches such and such', he is using the word incorrectly. Science doesn't teach it; experience teaches it.
— Richard P. FeynmanIf it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.
— Richard P. Feynman
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@EarthlingWise the Middle East is in bad need of an Age of Enlightenment like Europe had several centuries ago .
@AthrillatheHunt I ache to see how some women can easily become zealous soldiers of the Inquisition. Lashing out at other women, like they do in Iran , the thought police of tyranny. On the other hand, other women are incredibly brave and teach us all a lesson in dignity.
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BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@nightjourney You know, calling me dirty insults in Arabic isn’t really helping your case, where you try to portray Muslims as the tolerant, oppressed victims of the world.
room101 · 51-55, M
".........can't answer a fuckin simple question. M done"
There's a difference between can't and will not. I will not play your victimhood game.
And by the way sweetcheeks, you were DONE the moment you started typing. Enjoy your hate-filled life moron.
".........can't answer a fuckin simple question. M done"
There's a difference between can't and will not. I will not play your victimhood game.
And by the way sweetcheeks, you were DONE the moment you started typing. Enjoy your hate-filled life moron.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
So the Christian values are now summarized in wearing beards and hijab? What a silly argument to make. We follow jesus because we have a beard! But I am not surprised. Religion focuses so much on the exterior, with such superficiality. The reason it does, is because religion is like a club. To be counted as one of its members, you need to wear the uniform, just like a football team. They see strength in looking alike, because they can single out those who dare to be a little different, and accuse them of not belonging. I've seen in my life so many women who do not wear hijab but are way conservative and religious than some who do. It is just a piece of cloth that can hardly give an indication of what's inside a person, but to you, it is following Mary. Pfft.
@nightjourney Oh. That's really nice of you.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@nightjourney and how did you figure that I hate people who believe in something else or in religion? I mean, it is not me who believes in a holy book that calls people of other religions names. 🤷♀️ It is not me who is so obsessed with Christians and Jews that I have to call them astray in every single prayer.. it is not my holy book that says I cannot be friends with Christians and Jews... but yea yea, IT IS ME who hates people who have different beliefs, right?
Just because I criticise Islam, I must hate Muslims? Again, it is your problem that you are unable to distinguish Islam from Muslims, and that you are unable to comprehend that there is no such thing as divine subject that is not up for discussion. I have a post talking about Quran? And how is this any of your business? and the Arabic being my language, is this also insulting you or something that I speak Arabic but don't believe in Islam? Would you like me to change my native language, in order to not hurt the sensitive feelings of Muslims?
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Arabic is not exactly the language of the Quran. The Quran is filled with syriac words, it is why Quran isn't an easy read for Arabs. I've always wondered as a kid why certain words were written certain way, well because they are not Arabic, they are Syriac 🤷♀️ You might wanna look this up, maybe you will learn something.
It amazes me how religion is always defined very superficially by its followers. Just like the man in the video, you also provided some superficial traits of Muslims. I'd like someone, for once, to give me deeper values of Muslims, like loving/honest/hard working/creative etc.. and prove it that this is how religion shaped them as such.. instead, you are convinced that I am so annoyed because you are sexually inactive 🤷♀️ Can you tell us how abstaining from sex and not eating pork helped the world? and why do you think people are jealous of you because. you don't eat pork and don't have sex? Why would anyone even care if you are sleeping with someone or not?
I will tell you. it is in what you mentioned;
Muslims are obsessed with sex, and they think everyone is. Ironically, Muslims always assume that people leave religion to have sex and drink alcohol.. and that unreligious people life is all about that and just that. Interestingly, I am yet to see someone unreligious bringing up the subject of sex or alcohol in any argument about religion. It is YOU who is obsessed with these subjects, it is you and by you I mean Muslims or believers who are so quick to talk about sex.. and not that it is any of your business, but I lost my faith end of 2013, and didn't have sex or had alcohol until 5 years later. I guess I wasn't dying to break the rules the minute I didn't believe, was I? On the other hand, there are many Muslims who believe in Islam, and also still have out of marriage sex and still drink, the only difference, is that they do it secretly ;) Hypocrisy at its best.
Just because I criticise Islam, I must hate Muslims? Again, it is your problem that you are unable to distinguish Islam from Muslims, and that you are unable to comprehend that there is no such thing as divine subject that is not up for discussion. I have a post talking about Quran? And how is this any of your business? and the Arabic being my language, is this also insulting you or something that I speak Arabic but don't believe in Islam? Would you like me to change my native language, in order to not hurt the sensitive feelings of Muslims?
Arabic that is the language of the quran which is the religion of islam.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Arabic is not exactly the language of the Quran. The Quran is filled with syriac words, it is why Quran isn't an easy read for Arabs. I've always wondered as a kid why certain words were written certain way, well because they are not Arabic, they are Syriac 🤷♀️ You might wanna look this up, maybe you will learn something.
Why do muslims in particular bother you so? We can't eat pork? We can't have sex before marriage? Modesty? We can't drink?
It amazes me how religion is always defined very superficially by its followers. Just like the man in the video, you also provided some superficial traits of Muslims. I'd like someone, for once, to give me deeper values of Muslims, like loving/honest/hard working/creative etc.. and prove it that this is how religion shaped them as such.. instead, you are convinced that I am so annoyed because you are sexually inactive 🤷♀️ Can you tell us how abstaining from sex and not eating pork helped the world? and why do you think people are jealous of you because. you don't eat pork and don't have sex? Why would anyone even care if you are sleeping with someone or not?
I will tell you. it is in what you mentioned;
All the things you want to do because you are too weak to obey these rules constructed for something you once were.
Muslims are obsessed with sex, and they think everyone is. Ironically, Muslims always assume that people leave religion to have sex and drink alcohol.. and that unreligious people life is all about that and just that. Interestingly, I am yet to see someone unreligious bringing up the subject of sex or alcohol in any argument about religion. It is YOU who is obsessed with these subjects, it is you and by you I mean Muslims or believers who are so quick to talk about sex.. and not that it is any of your business, but I lost my faith end of 2013, and didn't have sex or had alcohol until 5 years later. I guess I wasn't dying to break the rules the minute I didn't believe, was I? On the other hand, there are many Muslims who believe in Islam, and also still have out of marriage sex and still drink, the only difference, is that they do it secretly ;) Hypocrisy at its best.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BittersweetPotato I only looked at being muslim for a very short time and can't speak to the depth of insight you have but one funny thing I noticed was how paradise was basically doing all the sensual things you not supposed do here and now. Somewhere it is mentioned that there is a river of wine.....
Why are all of your posts spreading hate?
MuslimBarbie · F
@autumngirl27 I am just sharing what i know and believe.
I never pushed anything upon anyone.
I never pushed anything upon anyone.
@MuslimBarbie Do I? Well then I'll accept to look stupid if you do give your own opinion on things.
I can hear that you may try somehow to show how religions can share common grounds, and this can be conceived as a willingness to reach out to other people.
But are you aware that the videos you post are very biased and all tend to show that a culture not only encompasses others but is the ultimate truth . If you are a young woman I can understand you are passionate about things, but have you considered looking at the not so bright aspects of the social model you're defending?
I can hear that you may try somehow to show how religions can share common grounds, and this can be conceived as a willingness to reach out to other people.
But are you aware that the videos you post are very biased and all tend to show that a culture not only encompasses others but is the ultimate truth . If you are a young woman I can understand you are passionate about things, but have you considered looking at the not so bright aspects of the social model you're defending?
@MuslimBarbie My comment wasn't targeted at you. I've had loads of run ins with "christians" on this theme, too.
room101 · 51-55, M
It seems that plagiarism is quite effective. Especially to those who are unaware that plagiarism has indeed taken place.
Seeing as Christiaity Islam and Judaism stem from the same core belief, is it not time they all came together and sorted out all the religious strife going on?
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@autumngirl27 if only we could focus on the similarities.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
Everytime i come across you, I can't help but wonder, who is more naive, you or the old me! You remind me of a past version of myself. I am glad it is past though.
PiecingBabyFaceTogether · 31-35, M
I would like to know if you're really about peace why are you so scared of even responding to us. You don't have the guts.
MuslimBarbie · F
@BittersweetPotato where do u ask that?
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@MuslimBarbie in your post where you were talking about the Quran being the last book etc
MuslimBarbie · F
@BittersweetPotato okay wait, let me see.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Being close is not enough... Being close still misses the mark.. If people want to be with God they need to be on the right spot with Him..
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
I like how suddenly everyone found their way to this post after the dickhead potato post 🥔🤣
What does the Bible have to say about women keeping their faces covered?
Helloeveryone · 61-69, F
Hi Muslim Barbie...a pleasure to know you
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
We both bow to pray to our creator , but do not cover our heads to pray like the Jews .
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Muslims have no idea what Christianity is all about. They think it is a bunch of rules like their own silly religion. Christianity is not a bunch of rules. It is about doing good in the world as we are being led of the Holy Spirit. Christianity is a SPIRITUAL event not a bunch of rules. As it is written the law kills but the Spirit gives life. islam is satanic therefore there is no way any muslim could ever understand the teachings of Christ.
Asking a muslim to explain Christianity is akin to asking a pig to explain the Theory of Relativity. It just isn't possible. The muslim is like the pig lacking understanding.
Asking a muslim to explain Christianity is akin to asking a pig to explain the Theory of Relativity. It just isn't possible. The muslim is like the pig lacking understanding.
MuslimBarbie · F
@hippyjoe1955 okay.
Thats the language u all are speaking, when u are guided by the holy spirit? Cool.
That was the worst comparison someone could ever do.
So u mean pig which is allowed to eat in Christianity and is prohibited in Islam?
Thats the language u all are speaking, when u are guided by the holy spirit? Cool.
That was the worst comparison someone could ever do.
So u mean pig which is allowed to eat in Christianity and is prohibited in Islam?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MuslimBarbie Those who are led by the HOLY SPIRIT will be known as the Children of YAHWEH Romans 8:14. The fact that so many religions fail to grasp is that the all sufficient sacrifice of Jesus Christ (His death on the Cross) guarantees our salvation should we accept His Gift. If we accept His gift, silly things like trying to please God with diets or clothes or haircuts or jewelry or ...... Is removed. There is nothing we can or need to do to add to that salvation. It is written in the Blood of God. However as Christians we don't sit back and wait for the day of our death or Jesus' return. We become active participants in God's plan of salvation. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Thus we Christians spread the Gospel, We help the helpless and give hope to the hopeless. We try to cure the ailing and find rest for the afflicted. Since my salvation is assured to the uttermost my job becomes helping those who are lost. Lost people include muslims since they reject the Way the Truth and the Life when they reject Jesus as being God the Son. Sucks to be a muslim. Too bad they are so blind to their own failures. The biggest of which is seeking a different Gospel than the one found only in Christianity.