Is Quran actually the final Word of God and is Muhammed really a prophet?
Allah sent many messengers and prophets, with four main scriptures: From Adam to Muhammed, the holy books were Zaboor(now a part of bible), Torah(old testemon), Injeel(original bible) , and the final book Holy Quran.
Now many, in this world dont consider Muhammed as the final prophet and Quran as the final book of guidance. They deny both the last prophet and the last holy book.
The main reason to that is, it contradicts there scriptures, (edited ones), and we as Muslims believe all the previous prophets and messengers, were sent by God and these all, the scriptures were divine.
So I have a question from whoever is reading this. Do you read the oldest edition of a book, or the newest one?
All the previous books got corrupt, and satan misguided man, and made all the made up stories look real. Now Allah sent his final book, the Holy Quran with Muhammed ( He was the best man ever on earth, and the reason to why god made humans prophets is so that we understand how to become best of human beings by seeing then all, peace be upon them all)
Ahem...You forgot about the book of Mormon. There are a lot of folks that say it is equally valid. Then there is Ron Hubbard's religion called Scientology. You might have to defer the title of latest religion to them.
@hippyjoe1955 The thing is, I saw my therapist about this, and they told me I cannot have way too many imaginary people in my life, and that I need to choose between Jesus and my imaginary boyfriend whom I have been seeing for long. I chose my BF. I knew Jesus would understand and value my loyalty.
@GeniUs So basically there are more chances of it being edited, corrupted, since then? Right? The only huge difference between Judaism and Islam is we believe in Muhammed, and jews fail to believe in him bvz they cant get over the fact that God sent so many prophets to them, but Muhammed the last prophet was from Ismail, and not Ishaq.
@MuslimBarbie Like all religions Islam seems to have a final prophet, much more recent religious leaders are Joseph Smith or L Ron Hubbard, the song however remains the same, 'give me power'.
@EarthlingWise reading all that bullshit, i find it difficult to believe that she is for real 😂 it feels to me like a troll at best trying to have a laugh because nobody can be that naive but then 🤷♀️🥔
The quran has so many disqualifying statements in it only the brainwashed or foolish would imagine it has anything to do with YAHWEH. Even the quran's god named the god is foolish. Christians were warned about other false prophets arising and saying that they were given a different gospel by angels. mohammed is only one such false prophet. Joseph Smith of morom fame pulled the same stunt. Strangely they both have a lot in common. Where Jesus and St Paul say one man one woman in marriage both mohammed and smith said that one man multiple women. Hmmm Then there is the entire nonsense of thinking a mere human can somehow earn their god's favor. In Christianity we are GIVEN Yahweh's favor because He wants to save His creation. What an extremely different gospel the heretics such are muslims and mormons follow. Imagine having the Grace of Yahweh fully available as a free gift for the asking and thinking that is not good enough so you must earn it yourself. Sadly there is no amount of good things any human can do to earn the favor of Yahweh. NONE.