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Quran verse !

To me , this verse explains the situation of the corrupting extremists (of all religions )
they think they’re doing good while all they do is evil and corruption .

Any hateful and uncivilized comments are deleted 🌿
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Doesn't that chapter start by establishing that what is in the books is true. Not because of any evidence, not because of any reason,... but just because it says it is?

And "they" refers too, those that don't follow that opening statement. That you have to believe because the book says it is. And because no discussion is permitted, it poisons the well. By portraying the opposite voice as "corrupt", "unreasonable" (because God has closed their eyes and ears... for some weird reason), as "deceivers" and "sick in their hearts". Not because of any reason, but opposite voices aren't really cool if you want your followers to embrace dogmatic stances. Not to mention, that it also rubs the "believer" over the head and tells them thow great they are. Because they will not be punished after they died and they are the "peace-makers". They are peace-makers not because of anything else then they do then to embrace dogma, they just are peace-makers by decree. Which is kinda what goes wrong a lot, as the peace-makers opress and cleanse territory in the name of peace.

I mean, the books is pretty clear on who "they" are. It's in the text. And pretending that "they" is only there for religious extremists, is kinda deceitfull to yourself. Because "they" are everything that don't follow the text. Which kinda makes "us" in text, really radical and fundamentalist.
As for more information about
Your points of conquest etc..
Id like you to look up a channel on youtube called “one message foundation “
The sheik uthman explain it perfectly

Have a great day
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Islamreligion Your entire Quran part you copy pasted doesn't question anything. They just make an argument out of something that they don't understand. It's literally: "Lighting thus God". I talked about this before, this is just trickery. People use it today too, there are demagogues out there that amaze their audience with ideas that their audience have no clue about, and then go: "thus <Idea that I want you to believe>." It's nothing but rhetorical strategy.

If I was a political leader at that time, I would be a traditional leader. Because these liberal ideas that you use about "freedom of believes" or "freedom of speech" didn't excist. To protect my traditional rule, I need to protect myself from believe systems that can undermine my political position. And Islam is a thread, so yeah, I do understand that political leaders defended themselves against cults and religions that could undermine their authority. But those political leaders aren't calling themselves "peace-makers" in this conversation. The Quran literally says that muslims are "peace-makers", but when you look at the early history of Islam... that clearly wasn't the case.

When it comes to the Palestinian conflict... the hatred flows both ways. There are no "good guys" in that story. What China is doing is terrible, and it's been called out but not enough imo. But that's the sad truth with nucleair big powers, that's they whipe their ass with international agreements. And yes, the Hijab conversation lives here too, because Xenophobia is a thing and a segment of the people are aware that Islam is a political tool which will undermine their hegemony. This is a similair story to the traditional warlords from 700 AD, sadly this takes place in a liberal framework, and calling out the hypocrisy is totally okay for me. But pretending that Mohammed was just creating and forging an empire out of self-defense, is kinda dumb.
*When it comes to the Palestinian conflict... the hatred flows both ways. There are no "good guys" in that story.*
Of course there are bad ppl from each side.
But I’m talking government wise.
When Muslims took over in the past.
No church was destroyed , no one was forced to convert , they all lived in peace etc
Even in Palestinian areas today there are chuches and Muslims and Christians door to door.
The thing is you want the wronged to stay silent. And for the bad people to stop what they were doing by their own.
It doesn’t work that way. You need to stand up against injustice without involving the innocent.

“And yes, the Hijab conversation lives here too, because Xenophobia is a thing and a segment of the people are aware that Islam is a political tool which will undermine their hegemony”
the fact a piece of garment on the head threatens you and such countries is fascinating. Majority of Muslim women are proud wearing it And there is no Islamic punishment for a woman who decides not to wear it as for countries who did/does and turned it into political matter that is on them NOT Islam
@Kwek00 Lighting thus God?
I never said such thing.
The verses I showed explain the universe in a scientific way.
Things a man from 1400 years ago couldn’t have known if it wasn’t from God.
The Big Bang, how the sun moves in an orbit etc..
information which preceded modern scientific discoveries and yet match them.
Just because there is a scientific process for something doesn’t automatically
mean that there is no God.
Just like how someone invented the Apple phone but we can explain its functions in a physical chemical mathematical way and from a programming languages prospective.


Mohammed didn’t create an empire , he preached a faith .
The Muslims were scattered across the lands and has different rulers.

And even if it was an empire or whatever you wish to call it
he did not benefit anything
He was heavily poor and died poor donating everything he had go look it up. He didn’t even use this status. when he was walking through the desert with his companion they switched places on the camel since there was only one. He didnt say Im a prophet I can’t walk. Although his companion urged him to.
We see this humbleness in different places.
He lived humbly and lived a very poor life to the extent many reported saying
No cooking fire would lit at his home
which all you could look up.

And what is forging empire about opening Mecca?
Mecca is his home.
The Muslims were killed and persecuted in it that they had to flee to Medina
Leaving behind their families businesses etc..
They have more than a right to get back to those families properties businesses etc
They were the ones wronged.
Especially that there homes were stolen
And when Muslims came to Mecca
No battle and prophet forgave all and let them go
Go look up how the Muslims took over mecca

This conversation so far is not going anywhere.
You are free to hold onto your opinion
Like I’ll do mine.
As I said if you want better and detailed answers check a YouTube channel
Called “one message foundation “

Entwistle · 56-60, M
Are you not in favour of free speech?
You said :
“ If you want a really good laugh, check out Mohammad’s explanation of what determines an embryo’s sex”

Enlighten me , because the Quran clearly hinted at it being the male sperm that determines the sect.

An-Najm - Verse 45-46
{And He created the pairs—males and females—
from a sperm-drop when it is emitted.}

It is Muslim dear.

3/ I have never debated anyone here without reason or r deleted anyones comment simply because they differed with me.

I only ask for people to be civilized when they speak not ridicule , spam and use disrespectful language. If that is too hard for someone
then their comments have no place on my content and I won’t apologize for it with all due respect.

I have had wonderful discussions with many people who differed with me on my threads the only difference they spoke with intellect and good manners
4/ you said “the koran is wrong”
Please tell me specific verse and why instead from there we can actually have a conversation.
@newjaninev2 “well, so much for the myth of free speech in Islam. Apparently you can say whatever a Muslim wants to hear”

1/I never said i represent Islam , i represent myself only.
2/ I never said I support freedom of speech entirely. I said I support it as long as they don’t ridicule and attack any religious or none religious group on my content.
You can have a different opinion but just state it in a civilized manner.

If you cannot state your opinion in a civilized manner without attacking other people
Then you are contradicting the right of freedom of religion
And contracting yourself since you call Islam to be uncivil and violent etc..
As for your comment about the ant which is a good observation. I assume you are talking about the story of the ant and Solomon In the Quran
1/ true that ants do communicate by pheromones. however many academic researches and experiments show other possibilities
And they suggest they also do so by acoustic communication. One of the researchers in this field is Robert hickling .
I can share many academic links of different research done on this topic if you’d like to read
2/ the Quran never said that the ant recognized him by face. I would like to see that verse that says the ant knew Solomon from his face.
It could have been by odor.
Or even an inspiration by God because after all Solomon knowing the language of animals is from the beginning is a miracle and not a normal situation.
I am the extremist of ALL religions

I say BUGGER OFF OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U all always fail everyone

@Elevatorpitches I wish I understood a word of what you said lol
Have a good day
@Islamreligion oh please

some people are just too.....goody 2 shoes 4 me

and incomprehensible

and I am on your side I think

Alison · 18-21, F
I agree with this. I loathe nothing more than extremists doing evil and claiming it’s for islam because Islam is a religion of peace.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@JohnOinger popcorn, nice !

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