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Different Method of Meditation

I've tried meditating. Quieting my mind and reaching that state of being free of your body, Maybe it's because my ADHD (diagnosed not once but twice), doesn't like to go quiet. Quiet is just more opportunity to think about an unlimited amount of random things. Maybe it's the CPTSD that won't allow it because I'm so hypervigilant.

Maybe it's not because of any of those things at all, but either way I struggle with it and with the help of AI, found a new way. AI named it Shadow Sound Meditation. (I've only tried it a couple of times so far and must not have picked the right time because family kept interrupting me.) The way this method works is you use a sound that's repetitive, but steady. You can use a clock ticking or maybe the sound of water dripping. Then as you listen to it you focus on the silence in between the sound. Next when you start feeling comfortable enough you synchronize your breathing to it.

I don't get enough silence. So trying to hold it together.
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ADHD (diagnosed not once but twice), doesn't like to go quiet. Quiet is just more opportunity to think about an unlimited amount of random things. Maybe it's the CPTSD that won't allow it because I'm so hypervigilant.

You know that's BS, right?
It's just your coping mechanism and everyone has different.

Meditation is also different for everyone. Same method doesn't work for all.

There are so many activities that are part of meditation.
morrgin · F
@Royricky09 My favorite is going on walks
morrgin · F
@Royricky09 gardening projects are one of the few things I finish
@Dainbramadge that is exactly what one must do. No one can fix the past, but we all have the choice to move on and make something better out of it.
Time never stops, it's upto us how we use it.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
LOL. Yeah the ADHD brain is like having several circuses running at the same time with a used car auction chiming on in the background. LOL
morrgin · F
@Dainbramadge I'd go to see that
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@morrgin LOL.
Nick1 · 61-69, M
Meditation is elusive, specially when you try.
It just happens when you are not trying or when you are doing nothing. All you have to do is be an observer and let it happen.

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