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Sexless relationship ,is she cheating?

My girlfriend has stopped having sex with me.and she spends a lot more time away from home
ArishMell · 70-79, M
She might not be seeing anyone else, but simply be feeling your relationship is going nowhere. You won.t help revive it if you assume the worst straight away.
@ArishMell Good advice, as the worry will cause him to question (like he has), and possibly cause more hurt in questioning. This is where relationships need healthy communication.
exexec · 61-69, C
When my girlfriend was cheating, she did the opposite. She showed special affection for me so I wouldn't suspect anything. Maybe you are worried about the wrong thing and need to find out what is really bothering her.
She could be hanging out with penguins. Hard to say… why do you think she’s cheating?
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
Share your concerns with her and observe her reaction.
@PinkMoon @PinkMoon what would certain reactions mean
It's shocking to me how many people offer advice to investigate her wrongdoing or immediately join the assumption she was cheating without knowing any context, without a second of consideration whether the poster may have done anything to make her lose interest. Just so you know: this is why women are extremely cautious around men and you're ruining chances to start a relationship for all sexes.
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
What else has chsnged about her - does she dress differently? Change in hairstyle? In food or drink preferences?
Why don't you discuss your relationship together. it would clarify where you both stand on it.
Good luck mate
Maybe it is the fact that you question her behavior before you question your own role in this.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Well. If you dont know for sure, its best not to jump to conclusions. Maybe talk to her about it.
Orangehotrod · 61-69, M
You never know! I would keep an eye on her!
You know what needs to be done..

Nevertooold · 56-60, M
I say....Call Cheaters:)

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