I'm close to giving up on searching for a partner.
It's not that I am actively searching for one. It'd be easy to find just any girl out there if I were to settle, swipe left (or right, i dont know), chat someone up, heck maybe even meet someone irl. But you know... things are getting more difficult as you get older. All of a sudden nearly everyone has a partner, so now the only ones who are single are the sluts and the exceedingly rare gems of this earth. I'm sure that in a few years people my age will have broken up with their partners and there will be a new steady trickle of broken people around. That just doesn't interest me. I feel like little Martin's hopes and dreams are slowly fading into the noise of the world. However, it's my ship and I am the captain, so if the ship goes down I'm going down with it, that is for certain... just venting