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My name is Lori Ann Zarlenga. My married name is Lori Ann Blaquiere. I lost my home of 101 Border Street West Warwick Rhode Island 02893 and I am currently residing at 150 Nashua Street Providence, Rhode Island 02904. If you google my name you will obtain further detail about my tragic life of being targeted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. My life became in danger from the United States Government after I filed a Complaint in the United States District Court of Rhode Island, CA. NO. 06-534-ML, that involved the Food and Drug Administrations wrong doing for allowing contaminated L-tryptophan on the market which killed thousands of American Citizens and caused the first genetically engineered disease called Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome. My lawyer used my case to reopen discovery damaging to the United States Government.

My phones are wiretapped. My Computers are hacked. The FBI infiltrated my FACEBOOK and social media accounts. FACEBOOK closed my accounts. Therefore, I can no longer use FACEBOOK to expose the FBI assassination of innocent targeted individuals. My family, among others are FBI informants. The FBI uses informants who are close to me or anyone I come in contact with. The police stalk me in every jurisdiction I travel in Rhode Island and out of state on a daily basis.

The FBI stonewalled the investigation into the hacking of my computers because it was the FBI hacking my computers. Supervisory Special Agent Nicholas Murphy told me to not send him any evidence regarding the hacking of my computers.

O n January 22, 2006, I was kidnapped by Warwick, Rhode Island Police Officer
Joseph Mee at a TGIFRIDAYS in Warwick, RI. My Mother came on the scene and saved my life. The January 22, 2006 kidnapping of me by Law Enforcement was organized at the highest level of the United States Government to assassinate me. I met with a Senator who stated to me that the boss of the FBI is the President of the United States and that I was being targeted by the Federal Government and that the Orders are coming from the President of the United States. The Senator stated that the targeting of the police is not coming from one police department, but from numerous police departments in multiple jurisdiction in the state of RI and out of state.

On December 7, 2006, I filed a Complaint in the United States District Court of Rhode Island for the kidnapping and targeting of me by Law Enforcement. Shortly after I filed the December 7, 2006 Complaint against Law Enforcement, FBI, among others, two key Law Enforcement Defendants named Captain Gregory Johnson of the West Warwick Police Department and Supervisory Special Agent Nicholas Murphy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of RI stepped down from their positions.

The United States Attorney, United States Attorney General, RI Attorney General, Senators, Governors, politicians, police, FBI, WHITEHOUSE, under the
George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Trump administration all covered up the kidnapping, hacking, wiretapping, stalking, and targeting of me by Law Enforcement.

After I filed my 42 U.S.C. 1983 lawsuit on December 7, 2006 against Law Enforcement, FBI, among others, I was falsely imprisoned by Law enforcement on August 21, 2007, to Kent County Hospital psychiatric unit then taken against my will to Landmark psychiatric hospital. As a result of Law Enforcement falsely imprisoning me to a psychiatric hospital in 2007, I was unable to respond to pending Court action and
my case was dismissed for lack of diligent prosecution.

I was falsely imprisoned by Law enforcement to Landmark
Medical Center, Butler Hospital, and Rhode Island Hospital to insulate themselves from their pattern and practice of unlawful actions. By diagnosing me with Schizophrenia, delusional disorder and/or mental illness, it would then discredit my valid complaints against law enforcement, FBI, among others.

The doctors who involuntarily committed me are engaged in a pattern and practice of “Political Abuse of Psychiatry”. Political abuse of psychiatry is the "misuse of psychiatric diagnosis, detention and treatment for the purposes of obstructing the fundamental human rights of certain groups and individuals in a society." It is important to recognize that the unique role of discrediting opinion and dehumanizing those with one whom disagrees is not limited to totalitarian regimes. The coercive use of psychiatry represents a violation of basic human rights in all cultures, including the United States where dissent is disapproved, often punished, and those perceived as threats to the existing political system could be effectively "neutralized with trumped up psychiatric illness. By this stigmatization reputations are ruined, power is diminished, and voices are silenced. It involves the deliberate action of diagnosing someone with a mental condition that they do not have for political purposes as a means of repression or control and to hide the atrocities of intelligence agencies' actions towards their targets." On first glance, political abuse of psychiatry appears to represent a straightforward and uncomplicated story - the deployment of medicine as an instrument of repression.

Psychiatric incarceration of mentally healthy people is uniformly understood to be a particularly pernicious form of repression because it uses the powerful modalities of medicine as tools of punishment, and it compounds a deep affront to human rights with deception and fraud. Doctors who allow themselves to be used in this way (certainly as collaborators, but even as victims of intimidation) betray the trust of their fellow man and breach their most basic ethical obligations as professionals.

In September of 2007, the FBI used my Mother's doctors Dr. Richard Scott as political assassins by prescribing two medications that caused a drug interaction. I saved my Mother's life. However, as a result of the drug interaction my Mother suffered atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure. Medical experts reviewed my Mother medical records and examined her. The Medical experts determined in their opinion that the drug interaction was the cause of the harm to my Mother's heart. Dr. Richard Scott conspired with the FBI to assassinate my Mother at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, MA.

Law Enforcement has been unlawfully interrogating my Granddaughter, born on July 30, 2002, on an ongoing basis at her school. A Coventry Rhode Island police officer forced my granddaughter to answer intelligence gathering questions about me when she was in third grade and continues to date. The Coventry police officer asked my granddaughter where do I sleep at night, so that I could be assassinated in my sleep. The Coventry Police Officer threatened my granddaughter that if she told anyone about unlawfully questioning her about me, my granddaughter would be in big trouble, Law Enforcement has terrorized and traumatized my granddaughter for life.

On December 14, 2019, my Mother and I were ambushed on the roadway by the West Warwick Police because I had a pending Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the United States Supreme Court that I filed on October 25, 2019. My Mother and I fled out of state for our safety. My Petition was scheduled for a conference on January 10, 2020 to be heard before the nine justices of the Supreme Court regarding the kidnapping of me law enforcement, including but not limited to stalking, targeting, hacking of my computers, wiretapping my phones, political abuse of psychiatry. The United States Government violated my civil liberties and fundamental human rights, and International Laws and Treaties.

On December 16, 2019, the FBI used my Mother Victoria Zarlenga's doctor as a political assassin. Dr. Daniel Levine of Cardiovascular Institute in East Greenwich, RI increased my Mother's medication Lisinopril that would have caused her to go unconscious and die.
Also, Dr. Levine changed my Mother's warfarin prescription that would have caused her to stroke. Dr. Levine admitted that he made a serious mistake. This was not the first time Dr. Levine intentionally tried to harm my Mother 2 days after the Ambush.

In April 2020, the West Warwick Police Ambushed my Mother and I at our home of 101 Border Street West Warwick, RI. As a result of the Ambush in 2020, my Mother and I fled out of state for our safety. In May of 2020, Dr. Daniel Levine concurred with Dr. Dragon Goulijanin to prescribe Bactrum which increased my Mother's INR to over 8.0 and caused her to stroke and die on May 24, 2020. The death certificates date of death is May 29,2020.

There are numerous other incidents of targeting of me by Law enforcement.

I have contacted a number of Senators and Congressman John Conyers Jr. to investigate and call for congessional hearings. However, they are all covering up crimes against humanity by the United States Government. Also, the Judges in the Court system are complicit and are covering up crimes against humanity.

United States is not a democracy. United States is a terrorist country in disguise.

Sadam Whosain was executed for crimes against humanity. The Presidents of the United States Government are guilty of the same crimes against innocent American Citizens and are not held accountable.

Hear A Former Federal Agent WhistleBlower John Garry Peeler Confess, that the FBI- United States Intelligence Agencies Assassination of innocent American Citizens.
Click on link as follows:

Lori Zarlenga cases filed in Federal Court, State Court, and the Supreme Court of the United States:

1) Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed October 25, 2019 in the United States Supreme Court CA. No 19-6451 ( veiw Petition on the U.S. Supreme Court Website under docket search by name or case number).

2) Emergency Petition for Stalking Protective Order I filed in Kent County Superior Court on May 22, 2020 Case No. KC-2020-0496 against the West Warwick Police Department

3) Product liability lawsuit filed on October 25, 1995 in the United States District Court of Rhode Island : Blaquiere v. Showa Denko K.K., Showa Denko America, Inc. General Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al., ( C.A. N.o. l:95-629).

4) Complaint I filed against Law Enforcement, et al., on December 7, 2006 in the United States District Court of Rhode Island: Lori A. Zarlenga Blaquiere V. Edward A. Charbonea et al CA 06-534ML

PLEASE GET THIS MESSAGE OUT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND BLOGS, ETC. You can email me at zarlenga.law@gmail.com

Thank You, Lori A. Zarlenga
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is this a cut and paste? I googled the name and there does seem to be information going as far back as 2008 on some sort of diary.

Okay everyone.. take a breath. Lori, that includes you.

Ahh.. that felt good. Let get back to your situation.

Now I know people might freak out at me for recommending Lori's diary. It was obviously a cut-and-paste from one of the other postings this story has on other blogs like TalkLeft, DU, Obama's website and several different livejournal-type sites.

Hear me out for a second - since I'm a Rhode Islander I decided to check out some of the information the diarist put forward (names of officials, the court case numbers and dates, etc.) and everything checks out. This combined with Governor Carcieri's blatant racism against anyone with even off-white skin, has led me to take the next step.

Lori, from what I've read in your postings you've been pursuing this matter for over 10 years. You've been wound up and disappointed by the legal system over and over again, and that includes the SCOTUS which didn't even hear your case in 2003. You've been trying to get someone to listen for a very long time. It grates on your sanity, and I know you're not nuts you're just really tired of the BS. I know - I've been there a few times.

So I'm going to try something, and spend my good deed of the day on a hunch. I have a few contacts in local news outlets. Freelancers mostly, but good people with sharp pencils who aren't afraid to push buttons. I've emailed them links to your livejournals, your court case dockets, and so on. I can't promise this will lead all the way to the resolution you're looking for (we Kossacks been busting our ass to get Bush thrown out now for over five years, and damned if the bastard isn't still in office! As for Carcieri... ugh), but it's better than nothing if it brings some public attention to your situation.

My best wishes go out to you and your family. If you ever have the need to chat, drop me an email - it's in my user profile.

This comment was made way back in 2008 on DailyKos. Assuming all this to be true, did anything come of it?
Bri89 · 31-35, M
This was one of the more interesting posts I've seen on here. I don't disagree with what you're saying. It's funny I searched and came up with a site that was mostly left wing, and most, back in 2008, were sympathetic with your cause while nowadays it would be the other way around.

Interesting how times change.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
one question, why you?
weirdest troll ever, lol
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