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I’m lonely this morning.

We’ve slept on the couches in the front room four days in a row now.

I’m so tired from work. I’m falling asleep in the bath as I write this.

Sometimes I wish we could pause life, just take a break for a day or two. Pick it up when it feel less like you’re strapped into a roller coaster.

There’s a well known story in the UK about one of the major theme parks. It’s that one of the rides in particular malfunctioned and one of the carriages crashed into one of the other carriages and people were badly injured. One girl lost her legs. I can’t help but feel like those people must have seen it coming. Like there was normal fear and screams from riding a roller coaster, then they saw the other carriage. They must have known they were gonna crash. There was nothing they could do. Strapped in.

Every corner we take as we go round and round this roller coaster of life I keep feeling like there’s a carriage in front of us. And we can’t stop. And we can’t tell anyone because there’s no one to tell. And we’re gonna hit. And someone’s gonna get hurt. And now I’m crying.
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DarkSideoftheMoon · 36-40, F
What i have noticed with my life is when something really really really bad happens, something really good is coming after.
1. I was with my ex for 6 or 7 years. We got married. He was an awful BASTARD. Very mentally abusive. After we got married he got worse. Almost lost my job because of him and i had a good job ! I was lucky to get that job. That job was my bread and butter because he couldnt keep one. His attitude was so poor hed get sacked from every job he had but it was never his fault, of course. He ruined our wedding. Embarrassed me and spent the entire honeymoon screaming at me.

Got home and would call my job harassing me. Anyways left him. Went though an awful divorce. Police always at my house. I wanted to kill myself. My family was useless. Made matters worse. I literally had to live in the ghetto because i didnt have good credit thanks to him and noone wanted to rent to me. I hung a rope to my ceiling and was going to hang myself. I was too chicken shit though. I sat and drank and thought. What life do i wish i had. I wanted to be happily married to a nice funny sweet guy. Have a baby. Get to be a stay at home mom or just work lart time so i can enjoy motherhood. I want to live in a nice town. I want to have friends who are positive and fun and happy. I want to be around positive happy people. I want to be happy.

So i started doing rash things. Because why the fuck not. My life is shit anyways fuck it. Cant get worse. And i started going out more trying to meet more people. Met some weird ones. Went on some dates. Traveled a bit and met my now husband. We spoke for a while met up in london it was brilliant. He was amazing and it all just felt so right. We both dumped our savings into visas and new home. Got married 2 years ago and have a baby. Couldnt be happier !

I think when life is really shitty your supposed to move. Like life is making u uncomfortable to get you to budge. Move along now. Do something different.

When i had my daughter i realised i had no childcare. My mil was ok with watching her so i could work but then she was diagnosed with cancer so while i was on maternity leave i kept looking online for a different job. Had to be nights. Was certain id be a Bartender or waitress. Hated those jobs. Worked at Red Lobster in the past and hated it. But i had to work to help out. Energy prices went up massively and my husbands job, they were on strike a lot so his income was getting lower. They refused him overtime which he often did. Company threatening liquidation.
So i look online one day and i saw right up the street literally 15 minute walk away they were hiring more money per hour than my last job and 2 to 3 nights a week. Id be taking home atleast a grand. I got the job.

Not only was this job closer to home byt better paid and if i wanted to go fulltime i could match my husbands pay which would mean we would be able to buy a house if we wanted, a decent one. Not just a fixer upper.

So yeah sorry for the ramble but if you can, try to see what changes may need making. Sometimes i think we outgrow places or things or people. It becomes uncomfortable, stressful because we dont fit there anymore
I’m so sorry to hear …

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus or Sisyphos was the founder and king of Ephyra. Hades punished him for cheating death twice by forcing him to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll back down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity.

Hope you can rest well today …
I am the ride that never ends,
With twists and turns around each bend.
Sometimes it's thrilling, other times it's scary,
But it's never predictable, it's always contrary.

You feel like you're strapped in, unable to move,
As life takes you places you never approved.
But know that you're not alone on this ride,
There's others with you, side by side.

So hold on tight, and keep up the fight,
For every uphill climb has a downhill light.

What am I?

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