Lostpoet · M
Women don't want you to have a life outside of their needs.
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@Lostpoet I'm going to steer myself away from this - but you are going to face the wrath of a woman with this.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
@Lostpoet you can find someone else to hang out with. I pass.
Browneyesarebest79 · 41-45, F
Their lives change and oftentimes gravitate towards other married people who understand.
LifeIsShort · M
It's normal, I lost several guys to marriage.
May they rest in peace.
May they rest in peace.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Speaking from personal experience my ex-wife used to hate me spending time with people i knew pre married days.
Not that I ever did anything to warrant it, but she would often hide or destroy post from my friends; 'forget' to pass on phone calls she'd answered for me; and just be generally rude towards them if we ran into them in public.
Eventually I guess they just drive them away.
Not that I ever did anything to warrant it, but she would often hide or destroy post from my friends; 'forget' to pass on phone calls she'd answered for me; and just be generally rude towards them if we ran into them in public.
Eventually I guess they just drive them away.
RedBaron · M
Some of them spend time with their husbands. 🤣
Blondily · F
After a couple get married they're adjusting to each other and spending time together planning their life goals, raising kids, etc. They seek friendships with other couples that have the same things in common. Its growing up and being responsible basically.
TexChik · F
After I was engaged, I disappeared. All I wanted (and really had time for) was him. Younger married couples hang out with other married couples.
Bleak · 36-40, F
After marriage one becomes more responsible.
Shybutwilling2bfriends · 61-69
I guess they make a choice of loyalty
ArtistMoon · 31-35, F
yeah that's the case 😅
justanotherone · 51-55, M
The reality is they fading away from life. They start dying slowly.
Couple of years and you find all of them here.
Couple of years and you find all of them here.
SissySecrets · 46-50
Friends vanish from you to.
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invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
@KingofBones1 its ok if you wanna be ugly to ne. But actually i am always the loyal one and i dont prefer to have multiple partners. I would rather be with a man who treats me the way i do him.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@invisiblewoman I'm not trying to be ugly to you in fact I tried to reach out my hand and not only friendship but genuine concern and sometimes you seem very genuine but other times you can be very confusing and I am not trying to publicly post our conversation but I am a very loyal one as well. When someone loves me unconditionally and I am the one for them without question I go hard all the way to the fence I don't know any other way to be that is why I am so adamant about finding the same in the partner I choose
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@invisiblewoman I like to be the man of the house of course but I don't believe in control. Melissa honestly I hate to tell you this but your preconceptions of me are all wrong. I am a bad boy but with a very good heart and I don't believe in coming half ass.
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