Ontheroad · M
It's simple, but not exactly logical. I was able to understand how it happened and I was in love with her. Nobody is perfect, so I tried, but ultimately we didn't work out.
I think in the end I was never sure if she was mine after that, and I looked to her to prove it... that was I think, what finally broke us.
I think in the end I was never sure if she was mine after that, and I looked to her to prove it... that was I think, what finally broke us.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
At the time it was because of the kids and we had built a life together. My children are all grown now and they were home this past weekend and I asked them how was their childhood and all 3 said they had a great childhood. I'm glad they were protected . I wished I could have given them a life like I had as a child but apparently we did something right.

@PEACH4LIFE Are you still together?
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@SW-User We share our home together.

@PEACH4LIFE Pardon if this is personal but different rooms?
akindheart · 61-69, F
i had 2 children who were very sick. Although this is not honorable, i was trying to finish college so i could support myself. it came to the point, i had to be happy. i left school but finished later.

@akindheart what did you study?
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Yes, because I don't believe in strict sexual monogamy and we love each other and would much rather be married to each other than with anyone else.
exexec · 70-79, C
All of her cheating was done before we married. She was free to date others, but not free to have sex with them. She stopped when I asked her to stop, and it never happened again. We loved each other then, and we still love each other.
Northwest · M
It was the initial shock. It took me a few weeks to process it, but process it I did, and her belongings were by the door.

@Northwest Yea I'm family with that gut-wrenching feeling of betrayal. it hits hard. I went back after having left initially. It didn't work out though.
I thought I did. In the end, I didn't. And it was the best decision of my life.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I cheated on her too.
Baremine · 70-79, C
Because it made sense. 56 years later.
Aami1 · 26-30, F
It's illegal to engage in polygamy, but completely legal to sleep around with and impregnate a load of women.
I suppose with the former you could create a parallel self sufficient community, whilst with the latter it creates state dependency. So, of course, the latter is allowed.
I suppose with the former you could create a parallel self sufficient community, whilst with the latter it creates state dependency. So, of course, the latter is allowed.
Our daughter.
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IllThinkOfSomething · 26-30, M
I didn't. I don't engage in recreational sex. If I'm intimate with you, it means something to me and so do you. If you violate that, goodbye. Sex isn't everything in a relationship but it is a part of one.
thenormalkindofcrazy · 31-35, M
Well, she kept trying to shift the blame, telling me she would make it right, make it work, we'd be stronger, all that nonsense cheaters like to say when they realize they blew a good thing. So she was just around long enough to deal with the legal issues, and then I had all of her garbage packed.
Baremine · 70-79, C
@thenormalkindofcrazy how do know she wasn't sincere? Did you ever just screw up? My wife cheated on me 55 years ago. There were very real issues that contributed to her infidelity. A miscarriage, in a foreign country, not ideal living arrangements.
Our marriage took a severe hit but we put it back together stronger than ever. It took 30 years to restore the trust. Divorce isn't always the best answer. Sometimes a good sit down honest talk establish boundaries works best. Nobody is perfect.
Our marriage took a severe hit but we put it back together stronger than ever. It took 30 years to restore the trust. Divorce isn't always the best answer. Sometimes a good sit down honest talk establish boundaries works best. Nobody is perfect.
thenormalkindofcrazy · 31-35, M
@Baremine No, nobody is perfect, but I'd rather not waste more of my time for someone statistically and, in her case, emotionally more likely to cheat again. Sometimes you gotta just get rid of the trash before it turns into a sunk-cost fallacy.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Cheating is a deal breaker to me.
If they cheat, they can jog on.
If they cheat, they can jog on.

@basilfawlty89 I agree with that sentiment. We're adults, we can talk. If there's somewhere I'm slacking, sit me down and talk to me.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F