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Will there be more countries following Britain's footsteps?

Poll - Total Votes: 15
Yes definitely like a domino effect
No the other countries depend too much on EU
I don't care
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Brexit is the best thing to happen for Britain. Down with the monstrous EU and the unelected bureaucrats.
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Malini · 31-35, F
@Rodney exactly. Look at how the migrants in Hungary are DEMANDING to move to Germany! Genuine refugees don't demand. They are thankful for whatever help they get.
Malini · 31-35, F
@popmol can you elaborate why it's not a good idea?
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Look to Central Europe who are at serious conflict with the undemocratic German dominated EU over the invasion of Europe by "refugees"; Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
popmol@ You ever heard of Czechoslovakia? And the EU isn't a "nation". In fact the UK became a nation again yesterday.

Do you also think along with Putin the "splitting" of the Soviet UNION was also a bad thing? Try telling that to Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Georgians...
Malini · 31-35, F
@popmol I can't understand whatever you're trying to say. But from what little I can gather, you ignore facts. EU is not a nation. It's a bureaucratic mess of an empire. UK is still intact. They did not split up.
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Fernie · F
Ryanvz ...I'm reporting you too....don't you have homework?
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Possibly. I am an American, so I won't say much but good luck to all of you. :)
Malini · 31-35, F
@starrykiss what is Bhaavaa? Some sort of social greeting in your language?
Fernie · F
I agree!! It might very well have a domino effect
Fernie · F
popmol ...please elaborate...WHY don't you think it's a good idea? Do you know or are you parroting mommy and daddy?
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Ryanvz · 22-25, M
Haha Rodney, how old ru exactly? Saying ur funny isn't really insulting or trolling right 😉 But face it : u clearly think out of emotion instead of ur mind. Nothing wrong with that, but there are no arguments that make sense. Facts and figures are what matters. U guys are gonna lose hundreds of thousands of jobs, ur currency is in free fall, and what about ur mist important argument : immigration? Do u think quitting the EU is gonna solve that? I agree that u don't have to take in anymore refugees, but most if them enter ur country illegally right? Which the EU is trying to prevent by patrolling the borders on the main land. What if that stops? Ur creating a uncontrollable flow of illegal immigration this way.
PS : I'm trying to write in ur language coz I'm not English speaking so sry for any major errors I may type
Ryanvz · 22-25, M
Ur import prices are gonna go up, making end products more expensive, companies who depend on import can/will go bankrupt so lesser jobs. That's kinda basic stuff right there.
And do u think ur last comment is a mature response? Or is that just a way to say shut up to ppl who don't agree with ur opinion? Why ask for other ppl's opinions when it's only to bash them coz u don't like it when ppl don't agree with u? Talk about being mature....
Gimme some arguments, some figures, who knows, maybe u'll convince me that it's actually good thing?
Malini · 31-35, F
Ryanvz have gulped down the Leftist media Kool-Aid. Let's observe a moment of silence for a lost sheep😔
popmol · 26-30, M
@malini in hystory it was never good to split a nation. and the value of your coin and our i tought would drop and i don't know if its a good thing
Cierzo · M
Denmark, Netherlands, France if LePen is elected.
So sarcastic that this question is in the 'dating and relationships' category.
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Abrienda · 26-30, F
Yes Rodney that was my point. You notice I put the word "refugees" in quotation marks but that is what Merkel calls them. Were she honest should would have called them imported voters for her corrupt government.
Malini · 31-35, F
@Ryanvz well isn't it uneducated? Is there such thing as undereducated? Well on a more serious note, I like the way you take the moral high ground. Call you opponents stupid, make some smartass comments and declare yourself the winner. Hmmm, why this tactic sounds familiar?🤔
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Yes Rodney...or would be terrorists and all of them enemies of Western culture and values! At least Hungarians and Poles know that and now it seems the British or most of you?
Malini · 31-35, F
@starrykiss I certainly don't play dumb. And who exactly is 'we'? Is there some kind of secret network cabal here? Pls enlighten me and other users as to what is the world is Bhaavaa????🤔
popmol · 26-30, M
i don't think i ts that of a good idea but well nothign i can do
Malini · 31-35, F
@Abrienda noted
Malini · 31-35, F
@Rodney haha can't beat the English in coming up with colourful insults!
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Ryanvz · 22-25, M
Ur all so funny, hilarious 😂
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Welcome hon!
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Malini this Ryanvz person is your first lesson in how to deal with trolls.
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Ryanvz · 22-25, M
They way u talk I think ur a bit of an undereducated person, so I won't hold it against u mate 😉
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Fernie · F
starrykiss please be quiet
Ryanvz · 22-25, M
Some ppl could use a little bit more brains in here lol
Fernie · F
Ryanvz ..go away silly child
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tenente · 100+, M
this is a good thing for britain. 2 years from now i think what will happen is: the british politicians will negotiate a new EU trade plan with the other member states that will enhance border protection, more reasonable immigration policies and secure stronger british labor rights. i don't see britain ever exiting the EU.
tenente · 100+, M
nope. cameron made this happen - - he wanted to satisfy his ego and the far right. the economic policies of the other 20 member states aren't under pinned by hubris.

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