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what would you do

I've been dating this guy for almost 6 months and I'm practically living at his place. I like living here but I do feel like its too soon to be living with him. I dont want to leave because he said he'll feel lonely and hes so accustomed to living alone and its nice to have somebody here with him. But the thing is, sometimes, I feel like Im by myself when I'm with him. We havent said I love you to each other when I am saying it inside my head to him, Im waiting for him to say it.
Look the thing is, Im trying to figure if I should keep waiting for this guy or move back to my own place. I cater to him like nobody else, placed him on pedestal, i care for him deeply, very sweet and show him a lot of loving yet sometimes he holds back with me. For instance, today, I asked about the future and is he the type of guy to have a baby. He said he doesnt plan on having one soon. Im on the same page, i dont want one right now but I wouldnt want one when Im at the age of 35 (which is the age that he would want one). What do you think?
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Serenitree · F
My advice would be to go home. Live at home. Spend a night a week at his place, let him spend a night at your place and then just see each other, but don't sleep over too often. Right now, you're just there. A convenience that is nice to have around. He probably won't realize how much he cares, until he misses you.

May 8/17
11:45 pm
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@Serenitree: She already knows what to do, she cant do it that is all.
Misskc23 · 31-35, F
@Hanging2: hahaha thanks lol
Misskc23 · 31-35, F
@Serenitree: thank you. sometimes, a strangers point of view of things helps me organize my thoughts. for me, times like this feel like my thoughts are clouded with doubts, fear and just a lot of things therefore I cant think straight.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
He says he wants a baby at 35 because it seems like a long way away. When he's 35 he'll still feel young and probably not ready. Most people don't ever feel ready for kids, especially men, you just have them and get on with it
How did this send up? Still together?
Misskc23 · 31-35, F
@BiasForAction lol omg yes. Some things have gotten better, some things ...a very gradual progress
@Misskc23 still-that was three years ago so you're doing great! I married the only woman who could put up with me for a full year.
Misskc23 · 31-35, F
@BiasForAction "for a full year"? What? Did it end?
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Sounds as if he wants a mummy rather than a relationship. Give yourself some space from him and see what you think!
tynamite · 31-35, M
Do you want to live with him or not?
Misskc23 · 31-35, F
@tynamite: i do. i like staying with him
tynamite · 31-35, M
So you know what to do, but make sure you have a social life so you don't get bored.
And what are his plans for the two of you until 35?
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
What does your gut instinct say?
Misskc23 · 31-35, F
Why do you say that there isnt any long term future in this? hes met my parents and he wants me involved with his as well (even though sometimes I tell him why so, why the need for me to be there...sometimes i like to fish for a certain answer)
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@Misskc23: Its in his actions. You are taking what he says at face value. What does he do to prove that he wants to be with you? He has grown very comfortable to the living arrangements and will now not be able to change.
I am sorry to say but its like watching a train wreck happening.
If you want good advise then you should read the posts that people have replied to your questions.
Misskc23 · 31-35, F
thank you

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