wave001211 · M
just be honest and truthful. i like ladies that way. the truth hurts, but i'd rather have that than be backstabbed. i guess you really have to reflect on who you really are and then stick to that, no matter if you scare away guys in the process. at least you are honest to yourself and will not cause your self-esteem to go down.
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Raffie · 61-69, F
@wave001211: it seems when you tell the truth on this site, you are blocked
wave001211 · M
@Raffie: i'm new here so i'm still getting the hang of it. is that really the case? i mean i think we can tell the truth but using words that are not.. demeaning? i don't know if that made sense lol
Raffie · 61-69, F
@wave001211: you will find that very little truth is spoken here! Sorry to say that..the longer you engage here, the more you will know!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Would you rather be in a relationship with the wrong person or wait for the right one?
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@ozgirl512: the right one
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@MissNiceGirl: it takes time hun .. In the meantime just have fun and enjoy their ... There is nothing more attractive than a happy person :)
IM5688 · 61-69, M
I think most guys, (and women too,) have an idea of their perfect partner in their minds, call them dreams or fantasies or whatever. When you get to the point that you realize that the one you dream/fantasize about doesn't exist, you try to choose the person that maybe comes the closest. so, in other words, everyone settles for one of the runner-ups.
rebelliousgal · 31-35, F
Over here we have no choice on such things. You turn 23 and your parents and relatives start looking for someone to marry you off whether you like it or not😒
Elessar · 26-30, M
@rebelliousgal: It's saddening knowing there's still such places in the world.
rebelliousgal · 31-35, F
@matt94: Yeah it gets worser by the day. Brides family has to pay a hefty dowry to the groom. Totally demeaning
Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
Why do you keep asking questions you obviously know the answers to?
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@Hdryder555: this one is one that im ever ever not sure about
Myself11 · 61-69, M
Be who you are and love who you are the right person will come along
BTorn2 · 51-55, M
Guys know pretty early on. Women I think tend to stay in bad relationship hoping they will get better.
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@BTorn2: not all of them do
BTorn2 · 51-55, M
No not all of them do. I know a lot who do though. But I think within a month you should know. If you admire the other person then it's a go. If there's nothing to admire then call it quits