I extend the benefit of doubt. It's a nice and easy way out.
AnukBinary · M
I don't think I even know what that means
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AnukBinary · M
@BlueMetalChick: You're like a hybrid human probably have super telekinesis
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@AnukBinary: I fucking wish XD Then I wouldn't have to get up from the table to refill my drink.
AnukBinary · M
@BlueMetalChick: Geeze, why you slacking on getting the super powers huh? Women are more likely to be able to obtain telekinesis if it was possible do to the fact the penal gland is much more effective in the female brain.

I used to know one girl like this, so I know it does exist. Sometimes I think people have legitimate fears about being in a sexual relationship, so they choose to stay away from it altogether. Other times I think people just get so fed up with trying to find partners that they quit, although I don't blame them.
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Drdirt · 26-30, F
@Eli4us: nice
bijouxbroussard · F
I don't completely understand the premise; I'm not sure if people who say they are mean they're never sexually interested in others, or if their interest is just person-specific, as mine is.
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Paschar · 70-79, M
adjective: asexual
without sexual feelings or associations.
"she rested her hand on the back of his head, in a maternal, wholly asexual, gesture"
(of reproduction) not involving the fusion of gametes.
without sex or sexual organs.
"asexual parasites"
noun: asexual; plural noun: asexuals
a person who has no sexual feelings or desires.
Translate asexual to German
1. ungeschlechtlich
2. geschlechtslos
adjective: asexual
without sexual feelings or associations.
"she rested her hand on the back of his head, in a maternal, wholly asexual, gesture"
(of reproduction) not involving the fusion of gametes.
without sex or sexual organs.
"asexual parasites"
noun: asexual; plural noun: asexuals
a person who has no sexual feelings or desires.
Translate asexual to German
1. ungeschlechtlich
2. geschlechtslos
Drdirt · 26-30, F
@Paschar: Thank you great Google looker upper! XD
Paschar · 70-79, M
@Drdirt: T Y , IT's what I do well
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
I'm as solidly asexual as anyone you'll ever meet.
Drdirt · 26-30, F
@BlueMetalChick: Yeah you sound like a very definitive ace.

I'm a Gray Ace, or Grey Area Asexual, or whatever the hell people are calling it. It can be frustrating at times. It cost me a shot at a relationship with a woman I was interested in(and those opportunities rarely come my way). But it is what it is. I can't change how my brain is wired.
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Socialclutz · 36-40, M
Doesn't bother me none. They're not running around demanding unnecessary attention and rights like some ppl of retarded political activist groups. I am unaware of any doing so as asexual or whatever.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
I couldn't care less what anyone's sexual orientation is. Why does anyone care about meaningless shit like that? Grow the fuck up.
Drdirt · 26-30, F
@NigelDoes: You'd be surprised at the amount of people who do care. It'd be nice if more people where in the "well whatever floats your boat" boat