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Blue02berry · 26-30, M
Doesn't matter if they did it again or not, the fact they did it in the first place shows just how much they cared.
Lovingly1 · 31-35, F
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
I agree

Reject · 26-30, M
I don't know why I would stay with someone who not only feels like they can't talk to me about our problems, but they've showed how much they stopped caring about my feelings by cheating.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
You spitting facts yo
I used to think I would never forgive them. It happened. I stayed.
@crunchyvirgo: Well...I don't know what else to say.😕 I stayed but I guess it was a mistake. Cause after all he was the one who left me in the end...
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
What an ass. His loss
@crunchyvirgo: Nah...we both made mistakes so I guess I can understand how he felt. Besides,he is actually a great guy. So it's ok now...🙂
I'd like to think I'd respect myself enough to leave, but the truth is I doubt I do.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Exactly. I would stay with him until the end of time because I'm an idiot 🙄
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@crunchyvirgo: I disagree. You're not an idiot. You're too smart to be an idiot. There must be something else at play here...
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Depends on the relationship. If it was a good one before - maybe I give him a chance.
If it was a bad relationship before - good bye then!! 👋
SailorMarz · F
I guess. Maybe. & if i do i don't want them complaining about how insecure & uptight ill be with did this to me. Lol
I did stay.. but i was wrong for doing that.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
:( ❤
Probably not, unless there were extenuating circumstances. I require trust in a relationship, if that trust is broken then everything else falls apart. And the biggest area of trust is faithfulness, I demand absolute faithfulness, I offer the same.
Snickerdooodle · 31-35, F
Helllllllll no. Maybe after like 30 years of marraige cause what else would I do.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
@Snickerdo0dle: omfg who in their right mind would cheat on you?
caccoon · 36-40
@crunchyvirgo: Right? Look at that face.
caccoon · 36-40
@crunchyvirgo: As a matter of fact... look at yours. Gurl <3

EDIT: Not that I think a woman's worth is only her beauty! Y'all seem cool.
JaneDoe23 · F
[image deleted]
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Yeah this is usually the analogy I think of
I think I would. Omg
Coppercoil · M
Lot of people stay. Lots of long term good relationships have a few skeletons in their past.
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
@Dewmsberry: IT MEANS COUPLE!!! *cries harder* WHY?!
@Coppercoil: tru. There's always hope they'd never do it again 😨
@Shadowstep: not to me! It means cat 😍
Fernie · F
Nope...that "cheat" represents betrayal, selfishness, spinelessness, dishonesty...who wants to be with a person like that?
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Yes. Everyone deserves a second chance
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Well, you have the unpopular opinion
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
@crunchyvirgo: I'm used to that.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
@GJOFJ3: same. I'm always playing the devils advocate lol
Tminus6453 · M
Never do it again...😂.. yeah, right... no way,later honey
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Wildflower00 · 51-55, F
My answer is no.. I walked away no regrets.
AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
Nope ... one strike and you're out ...
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
You is right
Coppercoil · M
So many factors go into play. Love, sex, the situation, how it happended, the likelihood of it happending again, Etc. Plus if I stay in get a free pass for a future affair of my own.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
God damn. A free pass 😁
Coppercoil · M
@crunchyvirgo: it's the law.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Lol you young ones are so funny
At one point I would've said "never"...but there are variables, I guess. The circumstances, how long we'd been together, whether or not I really trusted that he wouldn't do it again. And maybe after some serious counseling. That's not to say I wouldn't be really hurt, though. But I've known friends who have gotten past it.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
I agree completely, but then again I agree with everything you say 🤣
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@crunchyvirgo: Such an agreeable woman! Where have you been all my life? Oh---never mind--you weren't even born. LOL

Still, from my personal experience with women, I'd love to have one who always agreed with just half of everything I said.

*note to self: don't hold breath*
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
Well if you did it to me I'd give you one last chance if you gave me a few weeks just to get everything out of my system.. I've learned​that it's easier to forget and abandon what is going on than to forgive those you love
cheesyAF · 31-35, M
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
i dated a guy who said that. i stayed with him, stupidly. he ended up cheating on me 3 times before i could get myself out of that shit.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Ugh I'm so sorry. Some guys are such dicks
@crunchyvirgo: it's okay i ended up breaking up with him and now he's a loser and i'm winning at life 😏
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@crunchyvirgo: The problem with guys is that we have two heads, but frequently only enough blood supply to run one at a time. The larger the smaller head, the more likely that this will be true. :-)

As for myself, I have always ended relationships before they deteriorated to the point that I would have cheated. However, I can't say the same for all of the women who have been in my life.
While I know people can and do change, if I'm not enough for my partner, I set him packing. He didn't appreciate what he had. Someone else will.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
Probably... Depends on the situation and the partner. The relationship may never recover though
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
In a Open relationship, so it's a non issue
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
Can't afford to divorce?
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
@MikefromEP: lmao
SoFine · 46-50, F
Once they do, very few can stop.
Nope - move on, set up a toxic radar to weed this type out.
xRedx · M
No. If they did it once, it'll be easier the second time. Later.
Apple · 26-30, F
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
NO HE DIDN'T, but even if he did my stupid ass would probably still stay 🤔
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@crunchyvirgo: Why do you think you'd stay if he cheated and you didn't have an open relationship? Is/was he that good a lover?
No because in my mind, once a cheater always a cheater
Tonydang · M
No the trust will never be there again!!
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
plungesponge · 41-45, M
I'd want them to die a slow horrible death. So yes.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
So petty. I love it
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
That IS a real test .. isn't it
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Yessss it is
nope once they cheat they become history to me.
No because i'd feel like I would be wasting my time.
Did once. They still did. That's what they are an 'ex'...
nope once a cheater always a cheater
awebventure · 46-50, M
I did. And got even.
...but unless you go open, how do you know they won't do it again?
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
🤔 thought jesus would have more of an open mind
@crunchyvirgo: forgiving is Gods department 😃🤘
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
@theoneyouwerewarnedabout: lol okay 😁
Never, cheat it's over.
bibiabeyeye · 22-25, F
Probably not.
Lovingly1 · 31-35, F
BlueRaine · 51-55, F
At this age no.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
caccoon · 36-40
I don't think I could. Too jealous, and self-doubting.
ntn22r · 36-40, M

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