KISR93FM Best Comment
Yes, what Cassandra90 said. Just be direct. Offering to spring for pizza helps, too. Lol Just Kidding. Good luck, young lady.🤠
@Maverick1962: Thanks for B.A., young lady.
BaileyAleksandrov · 22-25, F
Of course! 😊
Just ask him.
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Taliesin33 · 46-50, M
"Go out with me." Seriously. Not even a question, or he might think he's got options ;)
Finerthings · 56-60, M
are doing anything tonight?
RemovedUsername492296 · 26-30, F
Wana go see a movie... Or grab a bite to eat
Strip and say, "Take me now."
That might scare him of.

move towards his pants and attack. 🙃