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Why do people use each other?

I've noticed that the guys get with a girl "play their role" then when he's done benefiting off her now he's single. That's the 1st mistake some women make. They start providing and giving their all when he hasn't even fully committed to her. They are just "passing time" until they find someone who they truly want. What's your experience with relationships in your area?
Elegy · 46-50
Any time you assume it is a singe sex that does something like this you'r probably wrong. I can assure you women do it too.
SO TRUE, I mean my closest friend in class is the type to help everyone and she kinda got a thing going w the typical spoilt brat, and she was frustrated he didn't really reciprocate it. I'm friendly with everyone so he ended up telling me that people are just a way of passing time and that he thinks most girls are just to be played with (lol). She is pretty bad at reading people so she ended up crying a lot when she got to know how he was..
One of the many reasons why I avoid all this bs xD
PrettyGurl24 · 26-30, F
I agree. They also cheat. It's still wrong but some women need to stop giving their all so soon. That definitely will run a guy off. I mean shes taking care of him, getting laid, roof over his head, getting fed so of course he's gonna stick around...until He finds a girl that isn't so desperate to keep him. Some of these women don't understand LEAVE. SOME. MYSTERY..Dont give more than he's giving you. These guys are so used to getting their way it'll shock them when they find a female who respects herself. These females will put up with anything just to say they have a man. I'm with you. I'm not marrying no time soon. Eventually we will be lead to the person we're meant to be with.
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
The guys your age in my area knock up every girl they can and then leave. A new girl friend almost every 2 months. It's disgusting.
You're absolutely correct.
Soultobe · 26-30, F
Also been used, and still am in a relationship that would only be beneficial for him if we got married and all that. Don`t see myself being too happy though...
PrettyGurl24 · 26-30, F
You're young. If he doesn't make you happy, it's someone that will. Trust me when I say you will meet other guys. Don't marry him or else you'll regret it. See what's out there first.
Lostindespair · 31-35, M
You know it's funny that people like this get the "girl" but honest guys get judged and are treated like shit
PrettyGurl24 · 26-30, F
Yeah..and they cheat & the girl will take them back like he's just a changed man. He will do it again then next thing you know all guys are a**holes. Eventually these guys will get tired & find someone to settle down with.

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