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My Sons father dresses him very ugly should I be mad ? How should I handle this ?

we have a son who is almost teenager. He lives with dad full time and I take him out and spend time with him throughout the week. Everytime I pick up my son his dad has him wearing like thrifted vest with someone else name on them, outdated style shoes, mind you my son is very handsome, he could be a model, he’s taller than me and his short fat midget father. I feel like his father might be jealous of him or something. Things got better for me and I took my son shopping over the summer and fall, and got him some stylish chill fits that I actually studied online, and I taught him how to dress over the summer. While also taking note of what he likes. So when I pick up my son and I want to take him somewhere public and his dad sends him out looking like a stepchild no one loves it sends rage in me. Currently I’m live in care giver and I don’t store things at my place. While I’m waiting/ saving for my own place where he will have his own room and gaming area. I don’t want to start things with his dad because he is a very sensitive man.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
Your son’s almost a teenager and still needs his dad to dress him??? Let the kid pick out his own clothes for Christ’s sake. I’m sure a preteen boy can do a better job dressing himself than either of his parents.
It's quite healthy, most Americans didn't dress stylishly until very recently, and prior to America most nations and ethnicities had a dress style for both men and women to wear uniformly. They didn't fret over vanity, save the pompus royals.

It's good he is having these values installed early. If he really has the looks of a model some woman will still take him up. Don't sweat it.
Nanori · F
Don't worry your son will soon develop his own sense of fashion and wear whatever he chooses
I think it's sad you care so much what your son wears tbh
GovanDUNNY · M
Your walking on egg shells Lexy, good luck 👍
justanothername · 51-55, M
Let your son dress himself
Maybe it isn't jealousy so much as general carelessness. Maybe talk to dad about letting him wear the clothes you bought him, or encouraging it.
dale74 · M
There's more to life than fashion is your son well taking care of roof over his head food in his belly. Quit worrying about The superficial things in life.
You assume he does it intentionally and not that he just has bad taste?
Animalvan · 56-60, M
Maybe his dad is jealous of him.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
HuNZ 98% wiNeNz is Uglyz
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Well maybe his dad is just not stylish or maybe he does not place importance on clothes??
Is that possible?
Does his dad have other kids as well? How do they dress?
Maybe his dad does not trust you and makes him go with you wearing clothes that he doesn't care if they get lost or ruined??
It's hard to say without knowing more details.
What does your son say?
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@REMsleep He is his dads only child and his dad is doing well, drives sports car, and spoiled me when we dated and met. So I just wonder why he does our child like that. Esp with him being with him full time. I even ask if everything is okay and if he needs money and he says no everything is fine. He cared about fashion and looking good when it was time to impress a woman but now that it’s our son it’s a issue. 🤔 also it doesn’t cost that much to make him look cute he is a very cute kid and favors Landon Barker.

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