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BohemianBabe · M
Isn't it mostly the Incels who talk about "simping" and such?
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@BohemianBabe I'd never heard of the term until this year, but I already have decided dating isn't for me anymore due to my age, circumstances, and financial situation, plus I have a 7 y/o daughter to think of. I watched a lot of youtube videos, such as those from 'Wheat Waffles', etc. that went into great detail about the various 'dating pills' (I still don't understand those), simping, sexual market value, etc. Tbh I gave up because of how shit I felt (and still feel) about myself sexually since my last relationship went to shit in 2017/18 and a short 6 month relationship in 2020 that turned to crap as well. I like sex, but am now too frightened to even try and get dates and relationships where sex may be a possible outcome. Not incel because I don't hate women - quite the opposite.