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Women Can't Decide What To Do.

I talk to women online which I know are probably fakers. Anyways I was planning to move to Florida after my lease is up in September. To be with her 2 kids & her as one happy family. She knows how to push my buttons. We agree on me moving to Florida then she says she wants move to Texas instead. She doesn't understand you a place to live while looking for a house to buy. Then there is paying the movers the movers to move from Florida to where ever we decide. She has one daughter enrolled in school & she has a job to support her family. I met her on Facebook which I found 3 other women on. An it's the same ol' situation help her by getting a marraige certificate. So she can gain access to her deceased mom & dad properties. I'm much happier alone by myself than getting irritated everytime we talk. That's not couples do to be happy with each other. Or maybe i'm to old fashioned to know what couples want from each other.
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robertsnj · 56-60, M
@taragarten first off you are good people. If I could humbly offer some ideas to you.

You are in a tough spot being a cross dresser who is hetro. It is unual because a lot of the women you talk to would probably want a more traditional gender role relationship. As a non-cross dresser I have no idea of how to explore this with a woman and have no useful advice for you other than find other hetro cross dressers and have some convesations around how to present that to a woman.

Beyond that a woman with kids is complicated. I had a GF at one point that I lived with decades ago that had a kid. It is complicated and my strongest point in that relationship was that I was super normal / vanilla and my gf at the time ony had to qualify to her daughter that mommy is dating.

With you it is a whole different level ---she has to explain both that "mommy is dating" and 'mommy's boyfriend likes to wear dresses too" That is whole new level of complexity . I can say with conifdence beyond finding a place to live in the back of her mind she is thinking about this much more than where she wants to live. --also as a footnote a woman with kids who wants to move far from her home may be running from her ex-which is a whole different can of worms.

The biggest thing you have going for you is you do well in terms of income (saw you house and red harley on another thread a while back) but it has a double edge sword to it to--you are magnet (as well as anyone who does well financially of either gender) to women who see you as a ticket out of poverty.

I don't know this woman on FB and certainly can' help you with a judgement call and you don't have to answer on here but you have to figure out or discuss

1) why does she want to leave her state at all ? how does the dad feel about that idea?
2) How will she explain your cross dressing to her children or is the plan to "hide that part"
3) How is her career going? can she pull findancial weight too or are you a meal ticket?
taragarten · 46-50, M
@robertsnj first off i'm not who you think I am. I don't own a house or a harley.

Second she wants to move out of Florida

Her parents are deceased

I talked her older daughter an she said do what makes you happy.

She has a job at a gym but yes I was asked to help her with a hospital bill & buying her family some groceries. Which she said she'll pay me back but I don't believe her.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@taragarten my apologies i could have sworn i saw a thread with your red harley and a really nice house--at some point. maybe I was wrong. sorry.

it is cool if she makes less money --as long as she into and not just into your bank account --that happens when you do well financially and are on the dating market.

I hope you figure it out with this woman or someone at some point-- hope you find what you are looking for
taragarten · 46-50, M
@robertsnj thanks
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
Stop getting scammed because you are desperate for a woman’s attention. Only date women that reciprocate your actions and feelings.
taragarten · 46-50, M
WandererTony · 56-60, M
You already know its false. How can you think of relocating without even having met the person?! Did you video chat? I mean is the person even the stated gender and age?
This is a virtual space. Dont mix up with real life.
taragarten · 46-50, M
@WandererTony sort of video chat but she doesn't have a microphone for her laptop. She sent me photos of her and her daughters. Her oldest told me her mom was 31 years old.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@taragarten careful. You trust too easily. I do not know how you decided the eldest is really the eldest and not the same person in another ID. And I shouldn’t ask. It’s personal to you. Just commenting because you posted your concern.
Take care. 👍
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
I take my time to decide what to do, but once I make a decision I stick to it.
taragarten · 46-50, M
@MaryDreamilton yes ma'am I still don't know what I want. I just want to have someone to talk to & make her laugh.
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
Sir. There is so much to unpack here but first thing is first, have you ever met her in real life?
taragarten · 46-50, M
@PinkMoon no ma'am I haven't.
Avengiline · 22-25, F
Yea. I follow the sentiment of other people's post. Get offline. Unplug, go meet someone in a bookstore. You're gonna get yourself in a world of hurt.
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Avengiline i'm naturally shy so getting out to meet a woman is a task i'm trying to work on. Instead using the world wide web to do searching for me.
Carazaa · F
Don't send anyone any money unless you are certain they are not a scammer.
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Carazaa no I live in Texas currently but willing to move anywhere to find true love.
Carazaa · F
@taragarten Ok but just be aware that if you live in Texas don't be surprised when a lady says she wants to move there.
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Carazaa okily dokily
Intuitive · 46-50, F
Do not relocate that far away for someone you don't know well in person. Just the idea of allowing it and she has a child let's you know she is off in the head.
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Intuitive yes she is.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Sounds like you should walk away!
taragarten · 46-50, M
@fanuc2013 good advice I shall do that
Sounds like a scam
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Justafantasy most definetely probably it is. It's just like my brother once said to me. No woman is good enough for me. Yet I keep trying an sinking into further depression.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Red flag - run
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Donotfolowme Yes ma'am
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@taragarten Life is too short to be miserable. Live happily as n when you get a chance.
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taragarten · 46-50, M
@deathfairy yes I know I just believe when they say they love me. I should say I love you too. Even i'm trying to make her think I care about her.
dude,,, u obvi know what ur doing… learn to leave ppl alone.. @taragarten
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Wicked work, have you ever met her in person?
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Moneyonmymind nope I haven't
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@taragarten I used to talk to many women online but it only brought me temporary happiness, now I focus on building wealth only and have never been better
taragarten · 46-50, M
@Moneyonmymind same thing here talk to women temporary happiness.

When I stop communicating with them I regain happiness in the things I do.

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