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How do I respond to a Im sorry text from ex boyfriend ?

I really liked him a lot and we were together for 3 months. During that time I met his mother, lived with him half time. I guess the last month of the relationship he started getting attitudes with me and told me him and his ex were in contact because she lets him know when he gets mail. I stayed calm and didn’t over react. Even though lowkey I felt he wanted a reaction out of me to prove my love for him. Some men can be kinda toxic like that. Especially the men who say they hate drama, they hate fights, usually it’s the total opposite. So during arguments or if he was mean to me I would either get quiet, or cry because I’m kinda cry baby. I also was in a very mentally verbally and physically abusive marriage in the past so I said I’m the future I do not want a guy who yells at me. When he gets mad he is not the same. He never physically hurt me but he doesn’t know how to calm down, even when I show I don’t want to fight or argue it’s like something triggers him to want to win. So 3 weeks ago that same thing happened. I wiped my tears stood up and said it really hurts me to do this but I’m breaking up with you. The crazy part is I really liked him, we went on dates, I met his mom who I love, I let their pets, we were together everyday, to the point where I tried to get some space and he would insist that I come over. Not trying to take his side at all but he did come out of a breakup when he met me. I think he thought he was still in love with his ex. Then when I actually walked away he realised he loved me. Also I miss him and cried for him every other day. Yesterday he contact me to tell me I had some mail. I came by to pick it up, but I made sure to look very pretty I changed my hair and worse a pretty summer dress. He handed me my mail and he talked shortly about fixing his car, then I said thank you and hope you have a good day. While driving down the road I was holding back tears because I miss him. I also wondered if he miss me too. Then when I was laying down tossing and turning her randomly says he is sorry. Which I have not respond to yet because idk what to say and I’m scared if I respond it may be the wrong thing.
Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F
Respond with a k and leave it at that he might be sorry but his behavior will stay the same
wintersecret · 41-45, M
@Beautyinbroken wisely put
Mindful · 56-60, F
The best response is no response. Every ex in the world has remorse when they lose someone of value. You are the strong one. You called him on his unwillingness to treat you with respect, people THAT far from the truth, have a strong likelihood of never changing
You aren't obligated to respond, infact I would discourage a response right now. It could be that he came off a breakup, or that he has a deeper issue that he has yet to confront. The best thing you can do is not overanalyze and focus on yourself. If it's meant to be, it'll be.

Give youself atleast two months before reaching out to him again. Limit your communication to your mutual social circles. If getting back together is something you want, then go for it. If not, don't. The whole point of the no contact rule is to give yourselves both a chance to heal from what was probably a painful breakup for you both.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Politely say thank you and that you wish him well but that you are not getting back together.

No need to agonize over it. Just acknowledge it and move on with your life.

Have a good cry, over several days if need be, to get over it.
Monday40 · 51-55, F
You don't. Three months is not long enough to be this hung up on him. Do something better with your life than be heart broken by someone you barely know.
Sapio · 51-55, M
If you respond, you're giving into him. And given his behavior that made you end it in the first place. You don't want to do that.

I'd hold off on responding if I were you. See if he messages you again. And even then, do not respond.

You left for a reason. You felt you weren't being respected. Remember that and move onward and upward. You deserve better.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Sapio I said I miss you and that’s all. That was before I saw these replies. :( because I actually do miss him but I don’t have to go back.
Sapio · 51-55, M
@Lexiitexii you shouldn't go back or even consider it without stipulating some terms at the very least. But my adoptive father always said that when you leave you leave for a reason. So never go back to something or someone you left.
...why ask random internet ppl; it's your life and you know him & yourself & the "we" you were.

Be the captain of your own life.
Jamesy · 41-45, M
@SomeMichGuy this is a public forum Mick
@Jamesy Yes, and none of us know the players the way she knows them.

Not Mick, not Mich...
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There are two sides to every story. I will wait, and wait, and wait ... for the other side. 😌
Penny · 46-50, F
you guys only went out for three months and you had many arguments? about what?
RobinG · 41-45, M
I don't have any good advice for you because I don't know you and I don't think generic relationship advice works for everyone.

I do hope that you are doing OK, though, and that you continue to do so. I'm sure it's difficult right now but it won't be that way forever. You had your reasons to break up.

Best wishes!

Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Stay away from him
You deserve a lot better
being · 36-40, F
Lexi I'd advise that you try to stay away with all the claws and teeth you may have to resist the urge.
I'd also advise that you stay away from any other man and wait simply take the time for yourself...
I don't like the guy at all. Sorry but he sounds like he could potentially become dangerous.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Bjs are good
come2gether · 46-50, M
Lexi, it was 3 months. That's not even a relationship. That's a blip on the radar that never blips again.
Don't respond
And change the address mail gets sent to, so you wouldn't have to keep meeting him
22Michelle · 61-69, T
Does he really miss you, or does he just want to stop you seeing anyone else?
Jamesy · 41-45, M
Go forward not backwards, you deserve better than him
By not responding back,maybe?
Bang5luts · M
Maybe a nice big middle finger? That would probably be my response after the way he treated you?
candycane · 31-35, F
Block all contact and change mail address and move on
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