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What about women accepting a mans' child, is she just supposed to do that, lets be honest, this question is so sexist as it's mainly the mother left with the child.. and not the other way around..
MissTerious · 46-50, F
I was purely asking from a personal point of view. It has raised some interesting points however.
For me, if I was to meet and fall in love with a man who already has children, then I would have a form of love for them too. They are a part of him too.
@MissTerious: I understand, but I feel in general, a woman who has kids and then her relationship fails, well she worries about her future RELATIONSHIPS because she has kids, however, I do not feel that any man/many men.. thinks this way or gives 1 shit about it..
So this is why I feel the whole thing is sexist..
Footballstar · 26-30, M
My uncle had kids with a woman then she ran off with another man and left him with the kids. Everyone ran for the hill after they found out about the kids for years.

Slink67 · 56-60, M
It doesn't make a difference, if you truly cared for her you accept her for who she is. That includes the good with the bad, kids or no kids, etc etc. Why she has kids doesn't's just an adjustment in your life you must accept.
If not then you truly don't care for her.
MissTerious · 46-50, F
My feelings also.
Kind of, yeah. I mean, if she has kids with some other guy, then 1) it means that if things get serious, there's little to no chance of having kids of my own, and 2) I' going to have to look after some guy's kids
Footballstar · 26-30, M
At my age yeah. if I was a few years older Nah not really
harley06105 · 51-55, M
I dated so many women with kids. I married one with no kids. I'm not sure it's related. If you love someone enough, you love their kids too. But their kids always come first. In some cases other things come first as well. I think some people's dogs come first. Some people's parents or other family members come first.
abe182 · 46-50, M
No I kind of expect them to
HypnoChode · 46-50, M
Nope. I love sexy moms.
Having kids can add a complexity to a relationship but if you like the person you understand it and its worth pursuing the relationship.
MalenudistUK · 56-60, M
No I have dated women with children on the past and when you get past your twenties you have to accept it.
i didnt really want children.. seeing how a lot of people are it has been off putting to have children.
No, but it would honestly be hard. I once dated a woman 20 years my senior who had two kids.
MissTerious · 46-50, F
thank you for your honesty☺️
At my age you got to expect they have popped a sprog or two..
MissTerious · 46-50, F
That's my thinking too 👍🏻
HeyNow · 46-50, M
Not at all. When I was about 18 I went out with a woman in her mid 20's who had two kids.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
A bit. Nothing to do with her though, I don't do well with kids.
No. I am totally cool with it and I like kids.
Firespirit · 26-30, M
Yeah I do what children of my own some day
nuguitar · 51-55, M
Only if they didn't get along with mine.
sometimeslonelytoo · 51-55, M
That's never put me off before.
Depends on the age of the kids..
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
of course.. been there and the drama is too much for me emotionally these days.

that's why i have always asked. the whole 'broken family' and 'i hate your new BF blah blah blah' is a bit much.

i've even seen kids try to kill their new dads.

no thanks.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
You should report these crimes
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
I married a blind date who had 3 kids
Goralski · 51-55, M
Not at my age
MissTerious · 46-50, F
I think that as we get older, theres a greater chance of them already having children.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Why does she have kids?
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
81redhead · 41-45, M
IchBin2 · 22-25, M
Yes, but only because I dislike children in general.
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
Awwww, I was gonna ask you to impregnate me.
IchBin2 · 22-25, M
@PoizonApple: 🤢
MissTerious · 46-50, F
love your honesty
If she takes good care of herself I would not mind. I would be put off by the C-section scar.
MissTerious · 46-50, F
I have a scar and that is something Id be somewhat self conscious about. It is however 'hidden', but Id always know it was there.
AnukBinary · M
I have one of my own😊 I most def would be put off if that was sprung on me when we met.
MissTerious · 46-50, F
it would put you off? even though you have one yourself? confused
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AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
No.. Unless the kids were brats
yfma53 · 70-79, M
Not in the least
ArtieKat · M
It's never bothered me.
Not atall 😊
MasterLee · 56-60, M
LTKISS · 56-60, M
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Yeah a bit, although i could probably get it to work.

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