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Are my reasons valid for wanting to end this friendship?

Everytime I’m around my friend my stomach begins to hurt, because I’m realising she’s just a user and a mooch and a leach. She can just begg for money or help from me and people like me but I would never have a good friend to depend on. She literally keeps everyone in her pocket to use them. I helped her make extra money and everyday she blows the money, then calls me begging and asking for more rides and more help. Then because I have a big heart I end up giving in. In my head I’m asking where does this end that a big grown 400lb woman with a husband is depending on a woman younger than her that’s single. I could never get away with this I could never begg from anyone. Also like the true narcissist that she is when I say no she just goes through her contact list full of people to use. She even is now offering my service to her other user friends. Last night while I was in the car with her my intuition was screaming to just cut her out my life, and ghost her block her, block her family and friends. I have tried to end the friendship with her but it’s like she can sniff it out, and she will say how greatful she is for my help. I feel like it’s all manipulation to keep people around to use. Also she’s not much help because she goes with me to do deliveries at night since I’m a black woman in the south sometimes I don’t feel safe at night taking orders alone. Everytime someone yt says something racist to me she never defends me, or has my back. I don’t expect her to cause a scene she could just tell them that’s not right. You know defend the black woman who is helping you and making sure you have money, food, and car rides almost everyday. Last night was the drawing straw I was driving through a parking lot and two white men said “ I hate black girls” in a loud megaphone. I can’t make this sh*t up. So I turned my car back around asked them what they said to me when I drove by and they lied and so no ma’am. Funny this is my friend is the one who heard it loud and clear told me and then got in front of those two white men and turned her back on me. Almost like she gets joy in seeing my scared or humiliated. So I just want to stay to myself I can help, feed, and save people and they still will not have my back. I’m jist being used. Never again. Also I already explain to her that she does this everytime and I’m suppose to be her friend and she says she just doesn’t want any conflict because she doesn’t want to lose her disability check that she blows every month. Lol
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Luckylu · 61-69, F
After what you wrote here and you still can’t decide, make a list of the pros and cons of being her friend. Keep that list by you the next time she calls on you and ask yourself, “Do you want to add yet another thing to that list?” If it is positive then sure, if it is negative, then why should you?

Your other option is make up something feasible that you need help with, call her and ask for her help, if she turns you down, you have your answer. It is her ending the friendship, not you. You just choose to accept it and move on.
in10RjFox · M
@Luckylu modern life demands such action and behaviour as leeches live in such compassion and integrity of others and know how to use them. Ever dealt with a drug addict? They know everything about you and know how and when to usurp you. They know your limits but you will never know theirs.

Extreme steps are required especially to sever such relationships because they know how to creep into an mm of your compassion, dignity and know limits beyond which you won't stoop down .. they know how to trip or fall in front of you for they know your hand will come instinctively to save them.

And she is not attracting a good friend here but severing a bad disease in the name of friend. And she does not want a relapse.
Luckylu · 61-69, F
@in10RjFox I was not talking about attracting the person who is pretending to be her friend but others.

Your choices are yours. I just don’t agree with the choices you would make in this situation. I stated why that is and I’ll say no more, other than to say you are confirming my view of where humanity is heading.

I have dealt with psychopaths. I have indeed known an addict, I’ve dealt with users and manipulators and abusers. I have dealt with them all the same way I suggested in my original comment and because I have, I feel good about who I am. If I did as you suggested, I would soon hate myself for how I treated another human being even if they did me wrong. I live by my words and what is best for my soul. This life is hard enough without destroying my own integrity in the process.
in10RjFox · M
@Luckylu here we are advocating some measures to someone who is much younger who hasn't had much life experience of dealing with a creep.

It's hard like how a surgeon cannot fall for blood and have sympathy for the disease thrives in that sympathy.

Ask a surgeon who had to chop a feet or hand because of gamgerine. Would he say I would hate myself for treating a patient like that?
3 ways to deal with her.

1) Message her that you can no longer be her friend as she has not been there for you and only calls you when she needs something. Add, "At this time, I need to look after myself. So goodbye and good luck in her future." Then block her # and every # from her family.

2) Next time she calls, tell her "no, I cannot give you $$$ anymore as Im not able to stay up on my bills" or just say no, you cannot afford to give her $$$ anymore. She'll keep asking, might even call you names or act likeva victim. Just keep saying, "Im sorry that you're going through it, but I cannot guve you any more $$$"

3) Keep being her sugar momma.

Personally, Id mix 1 and 2. Wait for her to ask, say no, tell her you cannot / will not give her any more money and feel like she was just using you. In other words, this is goodbye and good luck. Then block her number.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@TallMtnMedic option 4 block her calls and don't engage her any more and let her figure it out.
The less stress the better.
@Adrift True, but if you tell her first, then you get to unload a bit on her. Plus it helps to keep her just showing up sometimes, hopefully.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@TallMtnMedic I have found that wasting the energy isnt worth it. They just manage to turn things around and make themselves the victim and you come out of it more frustrated and confused.
It is best to just ghost and move on otherwise they just find a way to reel you back into their shit again.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
With friends like that who needs enemies? Sounds like a relationship that you need to break off. Doesn't sound like a friendship at all.
I think everything you have said here about this lady has been a reason to say , Sorry, No. She is a leach, mooch, user, and more. I'm old, I've known that woman many times. Many I met were men tho. Same exact person; they blew their paycheck at the bar, can he borrow some money for gas. For cigarettes. Forget her. It makes you feel bad, like you're a bad person , but not. You have your own life to take care of. There are more real friends in the world, people that will stand with you and be there whenever you need. Those are friends, positive friends. Dump, gracefully if possible, but hold yourself and she will work on another.
I would bet that it hurts you more than her. She'll have likely been there before.
Drop that B word
in10RjFox · M
She is your drug and you're addicted to her. Yes, you need to go for rehabilitation and get rid of her. Do see a lawyer and issue a notice to her to stay away from you and that you shall make a police complaint using the order of she makes any attempt and that you will not hesitate to use force to defend yourself.

Block her phone no. and don't ever listen to her son stories as she knows how to get to you like a drug.
Dshhh · M
Your stomach knows . Listen to it
That sounds like someone you should close and lock the door on. What an ingrate, I loathe those types
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Go with your heart ❤️ not your head do wont
Block her and cut her off.. there's no reason for you to tolerate such behavior.. in fact you should bill her for all services rendered and money loaned

She's not your friend she's a crook and a swindler
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