Yes true. But you said don'tbe deceived... the problem is as usual that's it's FEMALES that are DOING the deceiving and the constant confusing by CLAIMING they want nice guys for one yet constantly going for and pining over the jerk, Assholes, bad boy type while going on and on asking "why can't I find a nice guy???"
It's not just the looks thing either because once I learnt the warped and backwards nature of women and how they say the opposite of what they really want and I started to act much more like a jerk and insensitive Guy which is what they almost always seem to go for I've had more success with women by far than ever before.
Sometimes yes when she says I think of you as a friend she's not attracted to you physically but it is even more so that she's not attracted to your too nice personality.
To add more confusion into the mix, women claim to want a nice guy their internal definition of a nice guy is not the same as the actual definition of the word. What that means is to a woman a guy will be considered a nice guy if he's nice 20% of the time but a challenge or insensitive jerk the other 80% of the time.
However you do they call someone a nice guy who is a jerk 80% of the time you call that person a jerk. Just as you would not call someone who was wrong most of the time a smart person but you will call them a dumb person and vice versa if they were right all the time you will call them a smart person period
But again women do the exact opposite with the words and definitions. So for decades guys were deceived by women into thinking they had to be nice for guys and millions of men have had relationship ruined thinking that women knew what they were talking about or what they really like when they don't.
The problem is that women say what they think other people want to hear especially other women. They say what they think makes them look like a good girl order to establish a certain reputation in the eyes of the public rather than what they really want which is mainly the typical bad boy, jerk, macho idiot than the nice guy regardless of how he looks.