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Wolf90 · M
I would have the walls right up around my feelings after the initial rebuff but that apology would melt enough of them that I would certainly at least talk to the girl again about everything. I don't think you can do much more than what you have. Those feel like heartfelt words and very open and honest. It is now up to him and how he reacts when he reads your message. I think your message is is well written enough to give you hope but it is in his hands now!

Good luck! I hope it goes well for you!
gracek93 · 31-35, F
@Wolf90 Also I sent him this message last night at 7PM and I noticed he has not even been online since yesterday at like 4PM.... So I'm wondering if he even saw I messaged him or what. This is all on whatsapp.
Wolf90 · M
@gracek93 My pleasure :) These things happen.... I am guilty of making a similar mistake as you unfortunately with someone very special so you are far from alone with this! Don't beat yourself up too much... you have already taken as good a first step as you can to try again!
Wolf90 · M
@gracek93 He probably hasn't! You will probably need to give him a little time to process it when he does so don't get too disheartened if he doesn't reply the instant he reads it!

AnthroKenji · 36-40, M
I would interpret it as, maybe there’s a big difference In honesty, you might not know what you’re looking for and you need a better hold of how you communicate. I’d call it done to be honest. I’m about to be 34 don’t have time for games.
I don't understand how you communicate with your dog. Lol.. Sorry..

Looks genuine but too much excited. Just your words, "unless you want me to" makes me think you don't yet have faith on him.
Northwest · M
He's probably right when he concluded he's not the guy you're looking for. There's a reason why you told him no initially, and I think he heard it loud and clear.
I'd be leary but that is just my personality. Lol But no this seems like a good sincere apology and it is honest. I'd appreciate it.
gracek93 · 31-35, F
Thanks for all of your feedback. I feel like I really messed this up and I really am hoping he gives me a second shot.
Shiki ·
I'd be a little upset, but it sounds sincere. Best of luck and hope things work out for ya.
sounds sincere and genuine. i would give you another shot.
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
I think it is VERY good.
I wish you all the very best
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
Yeah, seems genuine. Hope things work out for you
Seems good to me. I'd probably go for it if I was that guy

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