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There is a hidden "Rapist" in almost all men.

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That's a disgusting thing to say :/
NO - just NO!
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
I truly feel sorry for you if you honestly believe that.
Ynotjenn · F
Aw. I don't agree with this at all :(
No, false and terrible accusation
Am not a broken record I think I've answered that already, unless you are too slow to process information
Fernie · F
@Randomperson: and your answer is fucked up
@Fernie: You sound like must be a retarded hood-rat
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Um, no. What does that even mean?
I don't need to "mansplain" how ridiculous and offensive this statement is..
Almost as bitter as you seem to be..
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Well,years of being with men too closely .Butter became bitter eventually.
So that makes it okay to say the things you do and tar everybody with the same brush?
My ex girlfriend used me and was nasty to me, but do you think i'm going to do all people in that gender an injustice and say that all women are like that? no.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Not if they are raised right and they aren't some sort of mental.
UncoolMother · 46-50, F
every single person, male or female has the potential to do horrible crimes far beyond rape.

not giving in to these impulses is whats makes you a proper human being
Pherick · 41-45, M
Pherick · 41-45, M
@NewBeginings: Think about how I might I have a rapist in me? I don't.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
@Pherick: It's hard to understand oneself sometimes
Pherick · 41-45, M
@NewBeginings: Not when it comes to this. Rape is about power and control, and having them over someone. I don't get off on those things, so I have NO reason to even consider rape.
I'm not trying to judge you. What's your reason for asking this? And asking the way you asked it?
@IstillmissEP: for all any of us know, she's someone who got hurt a lot. That's why I asked.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
@EightDown: Just a keen observer of men too closely.
Cryptic answer.
never without her consent..

There's a huge difference between rough sex with a willing partner and rape....

rape isn't about sexual excitement.
it's about power and control.. even as a fantasy it's wrong, imho...
Fernie · F
absolutely...the civilized men have complete control over that part of themselves though...they have evolved
Just kidding, I think you have a serious mental disability if you believe that.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Nopes no disability there.Years and years of research work.
I think your research was limited on convicted rapists.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
The normal goody-two type of men.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Yeah you read it right
hisgoodgirl · 46-50, C
@NewBeginings: Does your misandry bleed over onto all areas of your life or do you save it for the fine folks here at SW?
hisgoodgirl · 46-50, C
feel free to google misandry if you need to.
reubles · 41-45, M
and they say misandry don't real...
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I've almost given up on women, almost all are man haters anymore, what gives?
Yeah I think so
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Horrendous statement! Most of us are as innocent as any one can be
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NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Fact is
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Mine don't hide ,
It is what it is
Fernie · F
@Nunlover: you need to be trapped ...face down...tied up...and have a red hot poker shoved up your butt...maybe then you wouldn't be so flippant about rape.
@Fernie: that actually sounds kinky ,I'm game if you are 😊
ThatAntarcticaGuy · 31-35, M
Wrong. Totally wrong.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
ThatAntarcticaGuy · 31-35, M
@NewBeginings: I pity your thinking and logic
there is a hidden prize in every crackerjack box.
Melanzane · 26-30, M
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
*looks at you grossly*
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
No and anyone who says that is basically saying rape is natural.
No--is there a hidden whore is every woman? No. Or prostitute madam? No.
Ynotisay · M
Let's see. How do I phrase this?
Oh...I know.
Screw you.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
you have lost your mind
as much as there's a hidden rapee in all women
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
I don't deny.

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