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Boyfriends parents judging me?

Me and my partner have been together for over a year now. I am coming to the end of my degree.

Since I’ve been with my partner I’ve had 5 part time jobs (0 hour contracts). I have since handed my notice in at my current job as I am starting full time employment in May. My partner told his mum and she seemed to get weird about it. Saying how I’m always in different jobs and never seem to hold any down.

I feel really offended by this, as previously I’ve held down jobs for a good few years, and feel it’s unfair. I told my partner and he said she’s only seen what’s happened in this time not in the past, which I understand. I just feel really judged and looked down on.
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4meAndyou · F
Older people tend to believe that the only successful workers are those who land ONE good job and then stay in it for 25 to 30 years with full benefits. Your boyfriend's mother is working without an update or even a clue...because the most successful workers these days are those who job hop with pay increases at every hop.

There will also be fear on her part...not just that you will not be able to support her son in the style to which he has become accustomed...😉...but that you might not be "good enough" or smart enough for him.

Chances that she will outgrow this or suddenly become a smarter person are rather low.

The mother of my third ex did not want him to marry me, even though I was in college and she was the result of welfare and the projects and the third ex was quite literally her bastard.

She stabbed me in the back at every opportunity, told the ex that he did not need a "ready made family", and even attacked my young son from my second marriage by mocking him and "forgetting" to give him gifts at Christmas...and then making a big deal of "forgetting him".

She never stopped. She would wait till she and I were alone...and she would always pretend to be sooo loving and sweet in public...just like her son. might want to think about this boyfriend. If you and his mother are already having issues, it is doubtful that it will get better later on...and if you are already offended, it is likely that will carry over into your relationship with your boyfriend.
Uncfred · 61-69, M
Honey, it is pretty common, so just look at you and your partner, I an sure he is happy with you.
Good luck
ChiyoSKL · 31-35, F
Motivation to prove her wrong. 💪💪
HannahSky · F
Maybe she's right 🤷🏼‍♀️
HannahSky · F
@Scandisecret not really.. sometimes people have good insight and they just see things you can't for whatever reason
Scandisecret · 26-30, F
@HannahSky and your insight is?
HannahSky · F
@Scandisecret I'm talking about your partners mother who's known you for a year now and her insight
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Not really any of her business is it ?
She'd probably find any number of reasons to dislike you just because you wouldn't be her choice of partner for her Son.

All you can do is suck it up and keep proving her wrong.
This may be one of those times when you both have to keep showing her that together you make a great team whatever her opinion.

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