ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
If a woman makes it clear then it's a no brainer. A lot of women tend to speak in riddles or expect to be understood without saying it. Just say it!:)
You are brilliant! @ravenwind43
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
@Dirtymikeandtheboys Thanks, I wish!!:)
You sure sound smart to me 😊@ravenwind43
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SweetMae · 70-79, F
If we tell them, they can.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@SweetMae That's just crazy talk.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@DunningKruger That is my answer and I am sticking to it!! 😉
butterflymind1 · F
you say it /write it down all for naught
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
Probably never completelly.
I wonder if sometimes enough.
In some cases, no generalizations, a woman knowing herself what she seeks for may help.
If that choice lasts for at least, let´s say, for two days in a row each time.
I wonder if sometimes enough.
In some cases, no generalizations, a woman knowing herself what she seeks for may help.
If that choice lasts for at least, let´s say, for two days in a row each time.
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
Northwest · M
Sure, if she communicates it clearly. No point in playing the "if he/she loves me, then he/she would understand" game. Love does not endow one with the power of telepathy.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
We don't all seek the same thing. Don't judge people by gender.
jim44444 · 70-79, M
Say what you mean, mean what you say - no problems.
666Maggotz · F
If you just say what you want... no one is clairvoyant.
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Can, yes. Will, not necessarily.
DavyPNW · 56-60, M
Not without some guidance
Perhaps we just need to

calicuz · 56-60, M
No, it makes no sense to us.
No, especially if she's clothes shopping!!
Maybe if you tell me🤔

A wise man never tries.
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What does a girl seek?
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Not in the way a girl expects.
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SinlessOnslaught · M
Well instead of sending unsolicited dick pics on here, I wait until it’s clear that a girl is interested in me and then I put my writing skills to use by role playing... I like to think that’s what they want. 😅
DisturbOne · 41-45, M
Fuck no! Wait is it dick ?
KentuckyWildcats · M
I always thought they all wanted the same thing.
Two assholes.
One to send to work everyday and the other to sit home on!
Two assholes.
One to send to work everyday and the other to sit home on!
midnightsun · 26-30, M
I don't give a shit about what women want if she's too much of a bitch to not play games