MayAtPlay4u · F
For me it’s the excitement and absolute adrenaline rush that makes me wet never knowing who might see my pictures! An ex, family, friends, people I have met around the city, or where I grew up and went to school 😊
Makes them feel good getting compliments, nothing wrong with that
valobasa4ever · F

Photo Courtesy: Shasha
Killercojones · 22-25, M
Because you just gota live sometimes!
Mindful · 56-60, F
You must be good looking or popular. (Or rich) And she’s hoping you will find her so attractive that you”must” have her. She is trying to manipulate you thinking that sexy (herself) is what you want.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
What risk exactly? What's wrong with being nude anyway?
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YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
I ain't got any clue dude. I ain't a girl sending nudes.