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Yes. Weird circumstances and I was super young.

Yes. I kinda regret it, though. I'm not saying we should've gotten married. I wasn't, and I'm still not, ready for such a huge commitment. But I had lost that wonderful relationship the instant I declined the proposal. It's a shame.
Yes it鈥檚 hard to come back from declining the proposal but saying yes is just such a huge commitment. I can relate @Californiansummer
Keepitsimple51-55, F
The one I should have I didn鈥檛.
Nope , I didn鈥檛 date much until I finished school and started my career . Married the only guy I ever dated . For him
It was love at first sight . It鈥檚 been a whirlwind ever since for the past 17 years
I've only had one and i said yes. I think i was supposed to ask her but i wasn't fast enough :)
That鈥檚 very romantic @SW-User
@SW-User We met on a cruise ship that had broken down and was adrift in the south china sea for 5 days. So we met and never left each others side for 5 days and then she said, well we better get married 馃槉
Fantabulous46-50, F
My first and only proposal was at 22 and we have been together since I was 21, so not really any opportunity for any others
CoffeeFirst56-60, F
Given an engagement ring back. He was an asshole.
indyjoe56-60, M
No one has ever proposed to me...heck, no one ever even asked me out either. But had it happened and I really liked/loved and was interested then I wouldn't have had a problem with it.
yeronlyman51-55, M
depends whose doing the asking ;)
yeronlyman51-55, M
@SW-User haha... you caught me!
you knee pain will be worth it i promise 馃槒馃槵
yeronlyman51-55, M
@SW-User 馃
No. But I have "run screaming", (JK), from men who had just met me and who were already talking about the extreme depth of their feelings.
I've never been proposed to or proposed to anyone 馃槄 but, there was a lot of talk about marriage when i was with one of my exes, and I sure as hell declined on that
ravenwind4351-55, F
Yes. The guy had a shady side and I wan't going to touch that with a 10 foot pole. I was 22.
Never proposed or been proposed to.. I am only 21 though 馃檴
Plenty of time! @SW-User
MissTaken36-40, F
No but with the benefit of hindsight I wish I had 馃檪
Hanging251-55, M
I should have
Intriguing! Tell me more @Hanging2
Hanging251-55, M
@SW-User my first wife proposed to me.
Suffice to day I knew it was over in the first 12 months but hung in there for another 3. Not a happy time for me.
MrsKatherineArch41-45, F
Nope, I was asked once and I accepted. 鉂わ笍
TheConstantGardener56-60, M
Every week.
Yes, twice.
FreeSpirit151-55, F
vetguy199151-55, M
No I never have
Reflection236-40, M
REMsleep41-45, F
Yes, crazy energetic Senegalese boyfriend asked my parents for my hand in marriage while I was in the bathroom and later demanded that we get married soon.I thought it was for green card so I was creeped out. I later found out that he did everything extra and passionately. He kept in touch for years afterwards.

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