When they make you feel like you can do anything or motivate you to better yourself
DrWatson · 70-79, M
When you cancel plans to do something you really looked forward to, because the person you love is having a hard time and needs your support, and you have no regrets about choosing to be there for the person.
I think the sign of love is the willingness to make sacrifices , and to do so joyfully.
I think the sign of love is the willingness to make sacrifices , and to do so joyfully.

When they are the first and your last thoughts of everyday.
When you get butterflies or your heart skips beats everytime they text/message/call.
You miss them when they ain't around.
When you get butterflies or your heart skips beats everytime they text/message/call.
You miss them when they ain't around.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
And why does it matter?
People in love know it and do not need to ask such a question. And people eventually figure out how little a bundle of hormonal fantasy filled feelings actually matter. Being in love is an intense temporary condition and no one ever forgets it--even though many wish they could.
People in love know it and do not need to ask such a question. And people eventually figure out how little a bundle of hormonal fantasy filled feelings actually matter. Being in love is an intense temporary condition and no one ever forgets it--even though many wish they could.
Spoiledbrat · F
I don’t. In my experience people get depressed when it’s over because it was such a high. @greenmountaingal
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Spoiledbrat Yes, it is a let down. Being in love usually promises more than reality offers.
Usually, for me, it's when I realise that i would give up my life for him. Sadly, it's not something that's typically appreciated - but having spent my whole life giving something up for others... I don't know any different.
XReaganX · 26-30, F
When you're asking yourself this question
Lostpoet · M
I may not be smart but I know what love is Jenny.
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
JupiterDreams · 31-35
It's hard to describe... You just know.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
There's the old fashion way ...
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Spoiledbrat · F
I still remember the house dress scene. @Heartlander
Heartlander · 80-89, M
... and sometimes you just know.
... and sometimes you just know.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Spoiledbrat Great movie. The big blockbuster of 1964(?).
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Nonamefornow · 51-55, F
You look for his/her company, like talk to them for hours?
Spoiledbrat · F
You just know. It’s not something you can miss.
There are three stages of love, Lust, Attraction, Attachment. So you tell us!
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
I wouldn’t know. Never been in love. @Hayman
@NaturalBeautyQueen now that you known the stages. You'll know then. And am with you on that boat!
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
Thank you! Sorry we are in the same boat. @Hayman
Noble · 56-60, M
The heart, head, emotions and logic all speak the same language.
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royalblue1193 · 31-35, M
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
Thank you and you’re welcome @royalblue1193
Stray4life · 31-35, F
Once a week
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
I have no clue
MarmeeMarch · M
When your nads get tingley

u still wanna be around them after u nut

when I'm willing to hurt myself for their approval.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I can't eat ,I can think straight
and I am willing to do stupid things I wouldn't normally do
and I am willing to do stupid things I wouldn't normally do
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
You wanna smash
bijouxbroussard · F
Just the thought of them brightens your day. ☺️
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