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My best friend likes me and I don't. What can I do?

He never told me that he likes me, but it's so obvious.
It has been like eight years since the last time I had a boyfriend, and now the only person who likes me is my friend. I can't picture myself kissing him, holding his hand, I can't. He has always been my help, my confident, but I don't love him as something else.
I'm 24, no boyfriend, almost no dates, nothing.. I'm just waiting for the right person, but it seems like I always attract the wrong one.
I don't always like the most popular, the hottest, the smarter.. I don't usually like those kind of guys, but I don't like the guys I attract.
Am I too picky? It is right what I'm doing? It is right to wait until I'm sure the guy I have in front of me is THE GUY?
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
Maybe you could tell him what you said here:
I can't picture myself kissing him, holding his hand, I can't. He has always been my help, my confident, but I don't love him as something else.
But first tell him how much you value his friendship and don't want to lose it just because you don't have romantic feelings for him.

It's never easy to have this conversation. I've had to do this more than once, and it was painful for both of us each time. One of them was open to still being friends, and we did remain friends for a while. The others weren't really open to that, though one of them did accept it with good grace.

Just be honest but kind. That's my best advice. Best wishes.
Glitter22 · 31-35, F
@TeresaRudolph71 Thanks :)
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Glitter22 You're welcome. <3
JP1119 · 36-40, M
How well do you know him? Maybe you should give him a chance? I mean, especially if you’re looking for a boyfriend. Maybe you just think you’re attracting the wrong guys, but if you went on some dates with them you might find that you really like them.

I have also found that I don’t feel enthused about dating any of the girls that have been attracted to me, and a guy friend gave me some advice similar to what I told you above. I haven’t really tried it out yet, so I have no idea if it really works or not.
Glitter22 · 31-35, F
@JP1119 Thanks for your advice. We are friends since 2009, and we messaged everyday for almost two years... But no romantic feelings there. I can't picture myself kissing him, or holding his hand. I don't feel anything.
JJ1998 · 26-30, M
100% right theres no point leading someone in the wrong direction when its not wat you want of course wait for the right guy 👍
yes, you are right to wait until you feel compelled. that’s the whole point.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It is right what you're doing. Don't settle for less when it comes to the person you should become intimate with. You'd be sorry later.

I rejected at least three guys this way and it's never pleasant but if you can't picture yourself kissing them there's a big chance you would feel very unhappy about yourself if you allowed them to do it. You shouldn't give him false hope as well.

*oh, it's an older story but I'll post anyway*
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diablo · 46-50, M
What all happened with this 4 months later now?
Glitter22 · 31-35, F
@diablo I told him that I can't see him as something else than a friend. He completely understood. I know he still loves me, and I miss him, I still find funny his stupid jokes and I still enjoy his company. But I don't feel any romantic feeling. We took some distance and it's good for him.

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