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One of my guy friends really obviously likes me but its a sore topic to broach for a bunch of reasons...?

He's a really great guy, and we have the same interests, and he's friends with my friends, and he'd probably do anything for me. So, yeah, I would totally date him if I wasn't gay. (I haven't liked a guy for 5 years so thats why I Identify as gay) And if my friend didn't have a crush on him.

He's going for dinners and stuff as a group with some of my friends, like they're all neighbours so they're like a neighbour squad. My friend's just super happy they get to spend time together, and everyone is really happy for her, but I spend a lot of time with him because of class, and recently theres been a very obvious revelation that he likes me. Because his friend is an idiot who loves to make things obvious. There's only a 1% chance he doesn't.

I kinda want to talk to him and sort this out, especially cuz... you know, its not good to let him keep up his crush on a gay girl. But I don't want my friend to get hurt either because right now everyone in my friend group thinks this is about her and him. To be honest if he didn't help me so much in class we wouldn't even be friends. And we became friends after my friend became friends with him, so I'm afraid of a misunderstanding.

I could totally leave things be and it would play out without really involving me (like I wouldn't have to come out) but it would hurt both him and my friend more because it'd take more time. So idk.

I'm probably gonna talk to him anyway cuz sitting back and watching isn't really my style. I think I solved my own problem AHAHA oh wellz.
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DMmeyourtits · 26-30, M
"I haven't liked a guy for 5 years so thats why I Identify as gay"

Oh boy. You know, you shouldn't set artificial boundaries for yourself. If you like someone, you like someone. And you can date them, regardless if you advertise yourself as gay.

Now what comes to this "love triangle" thing.. well I guess that's just a complexity of human affection, and the aftermath of any decision is usually sadness for at least one participant of the ordeal. That sucks, but it is normal.. Can't help you there, sorry.
firelaw · 22-25, F
@DMmeyourtits Its not really a boundary, the last time I liked a guy I was 12, and he was the first and last so far. I'm pretty sure the only reason too was because he was a lot like me, but like way better, and I kinda liked our competitive relationship. I mean, I've tried other guys and stuff, like I've had some fun with a bunch of guys all the girls adore but honestly nothing beats being with a girl. I'm just completely uninterested in guys. I'm definitely open to liking guys again in the future if it ever happens, which is why I definitely wouldn't stick to a label if I felt things change but for now for simplicity's sake I say I'm gay to the people around me.

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