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what do you do if you just got cheated on and cant eat?

i cant eat.
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See the hurt for what it is.
Decide how you want to deal with how you feel right now. Realize that their cheating is not about you, but themselves.
Will you accept this in your life, dwell in this, allowing it harm how you feel about you or will you move on from it?

And allow yourself time to grieve.
It will get easier and you can come out of this knowing who you are with a better, stronger sense of self worth.
MikeSp · 56-60, M
Cross the Southern border, get picked up by ICE, go on a hunger strike, they will force-feed you. Seriously, you will recover in a few days when you realize that if she is that flawed, you will do better with someone else.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Being alone is better than with a deceiving partner. You need fresh air from this toxic situation. Give it time and be kind to yourself.

Go out get occupied see your friends. It's okay to take the time to mourn a relationship just don't let it take over every aspect of your life.

It's easier said than done but you'll see with time it numbs.

Wishing you to meet a better life partner some day :) Someone who loves you too much to hide anything from you ❤
Add laxatives to the cheat’s meal first
I’d flatten the bitches tires if they ever did anything like to me. @SW-User
Riverman · 56-60, M
After you lose a few pounds and get over it, move on. Lots of fish in the sea.
4meAndyou · F
Well, if it was me, I would take an uber to my local bar and order Bloody Marys. You can think of it as tomato soup with booze in it.
😞 let her go. Nobody deserves to be cheated on.
Eternity · 26-30, M
Revenge is very satisfying much more so than food. But be smart about it man.

The best revenge is borderline criminal. Right on the kife's edge but not over the line just so.

Good luck.
You know what you need to GROW THE FUCK UP. If someone doesn’t like you anymore that’s their fucking problem. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your feelings. You can’t just go around destroying people’s lives because you want to because you didn’t get your way. Ask yourself why they cheated in the first place. Either they fucked up or you did. Maybe you neglected them. Maybe they’re pieces of shits. But someone fucked up. End of fucking story. MOVE ON. @Spoiledbrat
Eternity · 26-30, M
@Spoiledbrat I didnt say destroying their lives.

I meant like slash her tires or something ffs lmao.
@Spoiledbrat Wow you're trying to justify cheating. How disgusting.
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
Do their best to move on and know their better off without them.
Cuppy · 22-25, F
Break up. Live your life.
Difficult times will pass
CrimsonDemon · 36-40, M
Well I've been there and expirence this and I don't care what anyone says what do I do? I get drunk and go tfk off on the woman.. I'm NOT saying by ANY MEANS beat a woman I've NEVER done that but speak ur mind and put them in their place...
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
What an ass. You need to try and let her go now.sorry to hear it pal. You need to look after yourself now.
eat anyway. you don't deserve to stop taking care of yourself because someone else fucked up.

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