Bagalamaga · 56-60, M
I did cut a few dates short but I never ran out. I can’t cope with people who are constantly looking at their screens,taking selfies and post it then checking for likes etc. You really can’t go an hour without it?
TexChik · F
Yes! In college. I was a scholarship athlete and so my face time with men was limited to the football guys because we shared the same cafeteria and weight room. I am tall and petite with boobs, but I could pitch. So I was asked out by a guy who seemed pretty nice, he was muscular and good looking. We go to an off campus party and after some dancing and talking with friends he leads me to a room in the house and wanted to make out. I like kissing and was happy to oblige...but then after a few minutes he went for the boobs! I was a virgin and intended to remain one , especially at that moment. I moved his hand away and he put it back and started really palming me forcefully and wouldn't stop. He was much stronger than I was and I was terrified. I kneed him in the nuts and knocked him down. During the tussle he ripped my blouse open and he busted my lip. He kept yelling I was just a tease and a slut! I had done nothing but be nice to him . My coat was in his truck and he wasn't about to let me get it, so I just took off walking from that house back to the dorm at school. It was cold, my blouse that I really couldn't afford was ruined and I had to hold it closed to keep my bra from showing, and I was embarrassed and angry. About 20 mins into the walk home a car pulled up next to me and honked and I heard my name. It was one of the coaches from school. He asked me to get in before I caught pneumonia and with one look at me asked if I needed a hospital or the Police. I said I was fine and then started crying. He made me tell him what happened and he was livid. He wanted to take me to the police to file a complaint and I told him I would quit school if he did. The guy was one of his players ( he was a position coach). He took care of it , and that guy transferred out the next school year.
PrivateHell · M
Okay my bad date story...
High school. My best friend, trying to help, set me up,on,a blind date. I picked her up at her place, and she was incredibly gorgeous. We talked and laughed and had a great connection all the way to the theater. Things went so well that turning the show, I got up the nerve to try to hold her hand.
She immediately snatched her hand away, stood up and yelled "I know what you guys are like, and you ain't getting nothing from me tonight." I was embarrassed and humiliated.
I sat there as she sat back down, then told her I needed a refill on my drink and to use the restroom.
Sometimes I wonder if she finished watching the movie, and how she got home that night. 🤔
High school. My best friend, trying to help, set me up,on,a blind date. I picked her up at her place, and she was incredibly gorgeous. We talked and laughed and had a great connection all the way to the theater. Things went so well that turning the show, I got up the nerve to try to hold her hand.
She immediately snatched her hand away, stood up and yelled "I know what you guys are like, and you ain't getting nothing from me tonight." I was embarrassed and humiliated.
I sat there as she sat back down, then told her I needed a refill on my drink and to use the restroom.
Sometimes I wonder if she finished watching the movie, and how she got home that night. 🤔
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
Yea once, anything I said about myself he kept rolling his eyes at me, spoke to me in a condescending way but then he said he'd do the same himself! I said I was heading for the bathroom & I just walked out of the club, took him nearly half an hour to figure out & he rang me, just told him I wasn't interested, never heard from him again!

Years ago I went out with a nice guy, (I thought) from another country. We went out to dinner then he wanted some beer, he drank all of the beer, guzzled it like it like a pig. I asked to be taken home but he insisted we stay out until the sun came up. I got scared. After driving around he finally took me home and I had him drop me off about a block away. he followed me! Next morning he was looking thru my parents windows and then my dad called the cops.
es0tericus · 26-30
Yes, my date and I ditched the venue, the meal, our plans and ran out together to do our own thing. Together.
rockstar · 31-35, M
Yes. Was a tinder date. She wore a very short dress, with sort of..uhm..unwaxed thighs. Call me super shallow, 5 minutes into the date, I made an excuse and ran off.
Tminus6453 · M
No, but have ended it earlier than planned
Straylight · 31-35, F
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
No.. the dead can’t run, they gotta endure it

Oh yes I said I needed to use the restroom and bolted out the front door and drove off. He was bragging about his buddy who was a drug mule for about 10 minutes when I had enough.
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
Blind dates are the worst. She was a miserable person, didn't have a pleasant thing to say the entire time. So I rushed through dinner and drove her home