approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
depends on the circumstances
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@approachingmyexpirationdate What circumstances justifies her punching a guy just because she was pissed off?
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
@suzie1960 sorry, I missed the last part.
if she isn't defending herself from a physical assault she should just tell him why she's pissed and walk off
if she isn't defending herself from a physical assault she should just tell him why she's pissed and walk off
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
My answer remains the same as in @YukikoAmagi's post. Criminal.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
Not big on people punching other people in the face, except in self defense or a boxing match.
I don't believe it's ever justified in anger to punch someone in the face male or female. Although one may understand one's desire to punch someone in that circumstances, it wouldn't be justified. I believe striking someone is only justified to protect yourself from bodily harm.
redredred · M
Assuming its the first use of force between them, I think its a bad idea. A good indicator of a civilized culture is a strong prohibition of men using greater size and strength to brutalize women. I think if women start hitting men, such a prohibition might start breaking down. Obviously some men are okay with hitting women but, in truth, most arent. Personally, Id hate to see the culture accept such violence against women.
redredred · M
@Sharon No, I thought I made it clear that women hitting men constitutes an assault on the civilized rules of conduct for both sexes. I taught martial arts for fifteen years, I'm a third dan black belt. I had many skilled, hard working female students. Its very politically incorrect to say but most women would do poorly in a physical fight against a man unless their size and condition were very much in favor of the woman.
The first premise of libertarianism is this, "Initiate no force against another". I think thats a good rule for all of us but its important to note that the most significant word in that premise is "initiate"; be ready to hit back if necessary.
The first premise of libertarianism is this, "Initiate no force against another". I think thats a good rule for all of us but its important to note that the most significant word in that premise is "initiate"; be ready to hit back if necessary.
Most times i would say no...... but, there is always exceptions to the rule.
gjp63 · 61-69, M
On the basis she knows he probably won't retaliate.
Violence is wrong, i've been pissed off many times by guys, even my ex, but it was never crossed in my mind to punch them
PhoenixPhail · M
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Pherick · 41-45, M
No one deserves to be hit in the face by anyone. Well thats not true, sometimes people totally deserve it, but we should restrain ourselves.
Though if a woman punches a man, what is the man's responsibility on defending himself? Is he allowed to hit her back?
Though if a woman punches a man, what is the man's responsibility on defending himself? Is he allowed to hit her back?
mountainman1234 · 70-79, M
No matter who you are if you punch someone in the face expect to be hit back ,,,just because you are a woman does not give you the right to just hit someone ,,, Equal rights right ,,,
nedkelly · 61-69, M
NONE as a lack of control and shows me she maybe not a lady
Quizzical · 46-50, M
There is no call for it really, and frankly, she may very well just be poking a bear with a stick.
Pineapple · 100+, F
depends on the situation. ive punched guys in the face and not expected to get away with it or be prepared for a fight by playing the “you can’t hit me cos i’m a girl” card. those type of girls piss me off. every time i’ve hit a guy it’s been for a legit reason... for example when myself or my sister have been sexually harassed by a guy in a club, or when a guy hit me first. i’ll tell you one thing though, i’d much rather fight with a guy than a girl... girls are generally dirty fighters who use claws and biting and all kinds of dirty tactics
MrAboo · 36-40, M
No the guy deserves a punch in the face. Trust me on that.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Lol, I don’t. Grow the fuck up
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
If he deserved a punch, he shoud get one!
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@suzie1960 Averages on physical structures are build on usually serious non biased population meassures.
And they reflect a biological / evolutive reality. They also show that gender differeces trend to decrease along time.
How does gender (masculinity/femininity) affect physical structure?
It´s called dimorphism and is rather biology than culture.
No doubt there are things severly biased by sociological constructions!!
Most of opresive prejudices are!
Not at all the case we are talking about.
Of course a six foot tall woman is obviusly taller than a a five foot man!!
How can I or anyone say otherwise?
May once Pa Kua female professor (sifu) of about 5 foot tall could easily beat simultaneously FOUR 6 foot tall trained men.
And there are thousands and millions of examples of examples like that.
Even so, science is always about the specific of collective group entities and not about individual cases.
Please, don´t dig for sexist conceptions in my worldview. There are not.
But the idea of gender neutrality instead of gender equality IS a recent "social construction" and not an accurate nor even well possed one.
And they reflect a biological / evolutive reality. They also show that gender differeces trend to decrease along time.
How does gender (masculinity/femininity) affect physical structure?
It´s called dimorphism and is rather biology than culture.
No doubt there are things severly biased by sociological constructions!!
Most of opresive prejudices are!
Not at all the case we are talking about.
Of course a six foot tall woman is obviusly taller than a a five foot man!!
How can I or anyone say otherwise?
May once Pa Kua female professor (sifu) of about 5 foot tall could easily beat simultaneously FOUR 6 foot tall trained men.
And there are thousands and millions of examples of examples like that.
Even so, science is always about the specific of collective group entities and not about individual cases.
Please, don´t dig for sexist conceptions in my worldview. There are not.
But the idea of gender neutrality instead of gender equality IS a recent "social construction" and not an accurate nor even well possed one.
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@suzie1960 I´m guilty of sometimes using sex and gender as if the same thing, you are right and I´m wrong in this language stuff.
Of course, if choosing on an individual basis, I have no prejudices in selecting either women or men.
Would be about their personal stuff regardless sex, gender or other irelevant distinctions.
But if prepearing, let´s say clothes for a large group outdoor activity where individualities are not known a priori, I would certainly know at least the proportion of the group about gender / sex composition (from the same population origin) to make a better size bet.
Of course, if choosing on an individual basis, I have no prejudices in selecting either women or men.
Would be about their personal stuff regardless sex, gender or other irelevant distinctions.
But if prepearing, let´s say clothes for a large group outdoor activity where individualities are not known a priori, I would certainly know at least the proportion of the group about gender / sex composition (from the same population origin) to make a better size bet.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Shit happens.
Sharon · F
Women who attack men are scum, the lowest of the low. They think they can abuse men with impunity so they need to be taught they can't.