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Honestly speaking, don't trust anyone. Just don't.

nedkelly · 61-69, M
I have been married 38 years and love can be unconditional but you have to work together
Fernie · F
@Montanaman open and honest communication is the only hard work in my experience. Nothing works without it...the more people communicate that way, the easier it gets.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Fernie Are you married, divorced or single?
Montanaman · M
@Fernie agreed 👍
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
Sounds like a manipulation tactic to get people to trust em and share their secrets then BAM a nice juicy stab in the back
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@puck61 how about now? 👀
@wakanda4eva No.....Without the deformity, there is no similarity whatsoever.
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@puck61 damnn, so u callin ur brother deformed? Was wondering too like no way ur brother had the same face,maybe eyes, that's cold xD colder than a expired marshamllow on the shelf
That's why I have a highly intelligent talking dog . She's smart enough to give me good advice, but still dumb enough to love me.
@TURTLEGOD Well, in 'my' mind, my begonia talks to me, but that broaches a whole other set of issues! 🙃
my cactus talks too. says "water me" all the time. And i always gotta say no.
@TURTLEGOD Cactus's are great, but some of them can be real pricks!
Montanaman · M
It exists. Know that to be Truth.💕
Fernie · F
Of course it exists...and it is far from shit
Mom and grandma
It does in fact exist, with one caveat. They will also love you enough to give you constructive criticism and food for thought.
NoFuxGiven · 22-25, F
Sure they exist, until you discover they're a serial killer. Quite the conundrum, eh?
Montanaman · M
@NoFuxGiven Lolz😁😬
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Not too hard to find someone close though
Feels like it/they don't
Quicksilver87 · 26-30, M
I do have one person. But we don't have attraction. I mean, she didn't love me as a man but as a friend.
@Quicksilver87 You said, " I mean, she didn't love me as a man but as a friend." and I was simply saying that 'Philia' love is just as strong or stronger than 'Eros' love, and I was expounding on that premise with my foray into Greek etymology.
Quicksilver87 · 26-30, M
@puck61 My bad. I should read it again. I'm not expert of the Greek stuffs. 😂

Anyway, but good to see our friendship still normal but we rarely talk because she is moving to other city. She got a decent job.
@Quicksilver87 Friendship is one of the most precious things a person can be part of. Of course that is so obvious it's almost a platitude! Like saying, "Pain is unpleasant." or "The sun is warm."
HerKing · 61-69, M
Get a dog. They fulfil that criteria. All they need is your care and love until they pass away, hopefully after a happy life.
Fernie · F
@HerKing exactly!
We say that dogs love us unconditionally, I do too, they are dependent on us to provide them with there needs to survive the environment that we put them in. We train them, educate them, medical needs, to do things for us that we benefit from, service dogs, military, police, cadaver dogs, they can smell drugs and chemicals that are explosives and they seem to thrive on that. And sometimes we just enjoy having them with us. I think there is a message here.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
It wife is a perfect example (and so was my late Grandmother)🤠
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Only in romance novels. Unless, of course, you're rich.
popmol · 22-25, M
thats inpossible.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@popmol I believe in it to a certain extent, but I also believe that it doesn't completely and truly exist either. Let me try to explain...My wife loves me "unconditionally" in a sense, however she expects to be respected, expects me to remain loyal and faithful, and wants to be loved in return. Those are "conditions" that would be deal breakers if I don't honor them. She loves me regardless of past mistakes and wrongs, inspite of my flaws (physically, mentally, emotionally, in character and personality) and that's what I call "unconditional" (she accepts and loves me for who I am). See what I mean?
popmol · 22-25, M
@indyjoe well of course thats love. and i might be able to love someone like that but if my partner is in the wrong then i'll call her out on her bullshit. unless i go full love mode and just walk behind her like a puppy but since that is probably not going to happen.

i can put of all doubts and judgement temporarily but not forever i just can't so i don't see it happening. but there are those people whatever their partner does they never judge and always forgive but thats close to an abusive relationship.
I don't think this exists. Maybe it does for some lucky people.
popmol · 22-25, M
@SW-User no no i meant i'll love you blindly xD although mine is more admiring love then something else :p i love your flaws but i can't hug you xD
sounds nice :)
@popmol aww. You are a sweetie. 🙂
popmol · 22-25, M
@SW-User well when you come over i'll give you a big and tight hug :)
you need a dog
ZenKitzune · F
Sounds like a very enlightened person
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
No one loves unconditionally
@basilfawlty89 The universe loves you unconditionally or it wouldn't have used your eyes to see itself.

(Of course that's secret code for fundamentalist evangelical proselytizing, so be cautious.)
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@puck61 the universe is indifferent
@basilfawlty89 One man's 'indifferent' is another man's 'unconditional'.
puckism 68
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Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@Fernie Always our faults then. I got it.
Fernie · F don't "got it" you can't say silly things like "life isn't fair to me" can't just blame. Yeah...pretty much we ARE to blame when our lives continuously you grow and mature through your life...hopefully you will get that and take more resonsibility
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@Fernie Yeah, responsibility. It's my fault.

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