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If you and your significant other were struggling to make the relationship work, what ideas can you give to help ???

How ‘bout try something totally different....start over. Start romancing each other again. Just start from scratch. Practice better communication, respect, and showing more love. Sounds crazy, but who knows...just may work, but it takes two. Make it fun. Make it into a family game, even though it is definitely important. I’d start by each of you getting a sheet of paper and write numbers 1 through 20. That’s not too long. Each of you list your pros on one half of the sheet and your cons on the other. Then work through them one by one and discuss. When you’ve achieved the first, mark it off. Talk about it and work each thing out before going to the next thing. NO ARGUING ALLOWED and, no raising voices. Do things for each other you haven’t done in a long time. Make time for each other, actually setting a “date” day or night to go out and have fun. Surprise each other, leave little love notes, be spontaneous.
Learn NVC - Non-Violent Communication.
One can watch live lectures and videos of the technique on U-tube.
Books by Marshall Rosenberg are cheap to buy, or free to borrow from libraries.
There are practice groups almost everywhere which charge noting or a minimal fee.
For us, it has been successful for two years now, and it keeps on improving.

Once the listening and communication is sorted, then it's time to look for strategies or solutions in which all the people involved get their needs fully met.
This is not always possible, but it is in most cases.

Eduard De Bono's books are excellent for thinking techniques, especially lateral thinking and creativity.
What lovely advice. @hartfire
@LadyGrace Thank you! :)
I wish you every success. :)
wstcstrob · 46-50, M
Sit down and talk about why the relationship isn't working. If you both don't see a solution, move on. Don't wait too long. Waste time is one of the worst things you can do in life.
dreamsicle · 46-50, F
Stop looking at what the other is doing wrong & focus on what you can do to make things work. You can’t change anybody but yourself.
Open communication, express what you’re feeling and ask them to do the same.
First of all and most important , you both have to want to make it work .
Dont fix broken things that need to be thrown out
@SW-User it's not about if they both want, some people can't forgive or let go of hurt even off they want to, so i doubt it I'll work
@SW-User yup ,understood
@SW-User or she can learn hypnosis
I dont believe in struggling to make things work. I compromise or leave.
@DarlingSelah thats kind of what I'm saying. If it's at the point now where it's "struggling", leave first, you will hurt less, at least.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
We don’t have that problem
Not yet you don't 😏 @Deadcutie
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
@SW-User maybe, but until the Day comes I’m not worried about it
@Deadcutie fair enough
StokedFox · 36-40, F
Spend less time together
LyricalOne · F

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