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What's the cringiest thing you've done in a relationship?

A little question inspired by reddit. Don't hold anything back 😁.
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
She wasn't giving me any sex (for a year plus) so one day I had a stiffy. I walked up to her and smacked her across the face with it. We divorced shortly thereafter.
ChloeLuv · 31-35, F
@Lostsavage Yikes!
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ChloeLuv · 31-35, F
@Soccergirl2016 Haha that's hilarious
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Never been in a relationship, so I'll share my cringiest "rejection". A girl in my college class probably knew that I liked her because during breaks I'd approach her to talk to her. One day, right as class was about to begin, I told her I would ask her a pretty important question during break. Midway into the class, she left to use the bathroom, or so I thought. She never came back to class that day and never came back to class from then. Thinking back on it all, I think I might have come off as a creep to her because I would look for her a lot during break... but I never wanted her to feel uncomfortable around me if she was :/ It's cringy and I feel horrible about the whole thing.
Footballstar · 26-30, M
Gave a homeless woman some clothes i was wearing to try impress a girl 😬😬
Daviszabecki · 56-60, M
Forgave the girl who cheated on me. Only to find out she did it again.
missit15 · 56-60, M
To try and prove to her that i cared so much about her and our relationship, i held out having sex. Wanted her to feel like she was more important to me...

what a failure.. i should have had sex with her...
Jlhzfromep · M
Flirted back when her mother gave me some wine and flirted with me when her daughter was getting dressed for our date
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Had 5 guys on the go all at once and none of them knew about the others.Valentines day was fun!
Jakefromnj · 41-45, M
The only one I can think of is when I brought a date back to my place and got busted in the act by my daughter.
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
told a girl i loved her, but didn't.
felt dirty even as it came out of my mouth
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
Tell her that I loved her- her cringe was epic and crushing...🤕😒
daydeeo · 61-69, M
What is yours, ChloeLuv?
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
Stayed a few months after knowing he’d cheated on me. Makes me cringe everytime I think of it

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