Oh I'm pretty sure you're crazy, but your crazy and my crazy work well together 😅😘😍
Love you babe!
Love you babe!
JustAsking · 46-50, F
@Zaphod42 🤣😂😅ok fair enough!love you too babe!😂🤣😅😚
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JustAsking · 46-50, F
@Swann I get that...There are some men that will get it if you try to show them how women think but there are men that will just never get it so just be yourself...
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KayraJordyn · F
I feel like a couple of men in my life do act like I'm being nuts when I'm not. It doesn't happen with girls, but this one guy is totally used to being around women, but I'm not the only one who he thinks is being dramatic, or silly, or talking too much, or whatever it is, when I'm just being me. It never feels good to be made to feel inferior, so I hope it's more playful and less rude.