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8 yrs ago.... i still miss him..

its been about 8 years since i was last with my true love. Well what i thought was true love.. i really miss him and i was so unhappy with my previous relationship i ended things tonight... i really wanna reach out to my ex but afraid to.. any advice?
Charlotte · 70-79, F
Oh, honey. I feel your pain. I've been through that. So very painful. Honey, when we're in that much pain, we cannot see things as clearly as we ought. please do not pine your life away over a man that didn't think you important enough to keep. Tell yourself the truth. What is it? You said it yourself. Listen to old Grace. Here's what's happening. You've lost yourself, not him. You've let him define your worth. You deserve someone much better, who is worthy of you! Honey, it's not him you're missing! It's you. Love yourself first. Then you'll be happy. You weren't created to please others. Further, even you confessed it....listen to your own words....""Well, what I thought was true love." That's the key, right there! Honey, you're not missing him. You're missing what you thought he was. You're pining over a dream sweetheart you wanted. Good news??!!! That special, respectful, adoring, attentive, thoughtful, loving, caring, faithful, man is out there right now, just waiting to meet someone as wonderful as you! But he won't be able to find you, until you let go of the creep you had! Don't keep this new man waiting, now. That was just life telling you, "Hey! This one isn't working for you, and never will. Time for a change! Let go and move on!" And trust me....when that wonderful new man steps into your life, you'll look back, laugh, and say to yourself, "What was I thinking?!!!" lol This one will be so much better. You deserve to be happy. Never give more to a person than you can afford to lose, hear me? Don't lose yourself. Love yourself enough to make sure they have your best interest at heart. You're going to do fine!!. I know it!!
midnightshadows · 26-30, F
you just miss being treated good, which is why you're thinking of your ex
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
He was ex for some reason so dont go back to him, move on
How old were you when you thought you had your true love? 10-13??
newgirl · 56-60, F
Listen to Grace, that is some good advice. I wish someone had told me that when I was in my 20's.
midnightshadows · 26-30, F
if he hasn't even reached out to you, it's not worth it
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
You are just in your early 20, move on girl move on, there are alot of asses which you should meet in future so just be prepared for that. We cant find true love until our heart will be broken twice or thrice which only makes us stronger in return, Only lucky one gets their true love in the first time, others should struggle with the breakups, depression and many assholes.
angie20 · 26-30, F
i broke up with my most recent relationship because of all the negativity that went on with us... nothing but fighting all the time. i always found myself thinking of my ex or thinking of some way to be away from him. it wasnt healthy
angie20 · 26-30, F
your right i was very young. the reason i believe it was so real is because it was a long distance relationship and i fell in love with his personality
Northwest · M
Some of the stories here are really amusing. How can you have a true love at 10? And for it to be a long distance relationship? Or even if you were 13...
angie20 · 26-30, F
i really do thank all of you for your replies... i think im just emotionally i wreck right now. thank you for the honesty.
Citygirl · 46-50, F
Wait a week and if you still want to then do it - give yourself time to heal
emjaymj · 31-35, M
You cant say that, since you're not old enough to have enough life experiences.
What ? So you were like 10 at the time ??????
Let him go, it's been 8 years now
XxBuoyantwatersxX · 26-30, F
Why did you break up though?

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