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What do you think about this whole Logan Paul thing?

I personally think that the video as well as the comments/jokes made in the video were pretty distasteful.
Serenitree · F
What he did was rude at the very least. He was told there was to be no video made if they discovered a body. I don't know if it's actually a law, or just a general courtesy rule. But he's a useless pice of trash, as far as I'm concerned.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
Random douche who triggered a bunch of perpetually outraged assholes.
Blooo · 26-30, M
Just another "king followed by fools" doing his stuff, nothing new here
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
My brother got super pissed. His face was turning red he got so mad telling me about it. It's this white dude who goes to a different country and mocks the dead of a different race. It's fucked up on so many levels.

Well. Like it or not, it draws attention to the suicide forest. He might be quite the good man, if that was his intention. Demonizing himself, sparking controversy to draw attention to a serious issue.

The suicides in Japan are quite the issue. And the Japanese are quite embarrassed by mistakes or flaws, so it could draw international attention, forcing them to do more about it to hide their shame. Or...just hiding their shame and not changing anything. Of course, I dunno how big this video has gotten.

I haven't watched the video, and I don't really want to, either. But I could prolly tell if he had pure intentions. Or based on his other videos. Probably not, since people are generally self-centered dicks.
Scarlet5 · 26-30, F
I find it both sad and surprising that he has people who follow and look up to him. I’ve seen some of his other videos and he’s unbelievingly annoying and cringe-worthy
I think he should be banned from you tube and never could understand who even follows him. He has no respect for others.
@ChildoftheMoon what's worse is the advertisers paying him to post that content.
Ik, just makes me shake my head how these advertisers will support anyone on you tube just because they have a major fan base without really checking out the content.
It doesn't matter what I think. He's not actually going to face any consequences. He's been gaining views and subscribers since the news dropped.
rage34 · 36-40, M
My oldest son likes him I think he's stupid..
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I think what I think doesn’t matter.
Scarfface · 46-50, M
I don't think he meant to laugh and joke, maybe a nervous reaction to a very upsetting and horrible situation. He shouldn't of put the video on YouTube but that was a mistake from an immature lad.
Such a cruel and inhumane cunt he is. Would he like it if we all became an audience and watch him get shot in the face then laugh at him?
xSharp · 31-35, M
they have banned much less offensive things, says something about youtubes priorities.
ajsk13 · 51-55, M
a good reason to stop watching youtube

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