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I'm confronting my girlfriend about my trust issues and she says I'm in the wrong. Am I?

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And please forgive me I hate putting business out like this but she always makes it look like I'm the crazy one. And for context. We've planned multiple times to finally meet each other and usually I won't hear from her for days if not weeks after the missed date, this is due to her illness but I had to spend the next year and a half not knowing about it until our last argument. So this year I haven't heard from her in days, so I wanted to see if she was ok so I looked through her facebook for her brother adoptive brother Chris. It turns out he's more than her adoptive brother, he's the father of her child.

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I'm not sure who Chris is, but it is clear to me that you are far too good of a person for this young girl.

She is a mother, yes. But she is not woman enough to handle herself, let alone another person. Seems like she has gotten herself caught in a web of lies.

It seems to me that you have been lied to about things NO MOTHER should have to hide from their partner.

It makes no sense to keep the fact that they have a child from anyone, actually.

It's obvious that you still care about her. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted these messages for us to read.

I think the relationship is better left here.

You can forgive her for her foolishness, but do not forget. Move on and let her deal with herself.

There are millions of women who are open to receive and return your love with no problem. No games, no problems...

What you're feeling now... that's not what love is supposed to feel like.

This reminds me a lot of my past relationship. I was deceived far too many times, and I didn't see it. Even though it was right in front of my own eyes.
@Zenyatta Why do you want a girl that fucked her adoptive brother?

Girl has no boundaries or respect.

I think your life will be much happier and easier withou this person in it.

People shouldn't be this confusing. People aren't this confusing.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@SW-User honestly that part irks me the most
Terrance · 41-45, M
@SW-User Shit... I seem to have missed a lot of these posts as details about @Zenyatta's life.

I know you love you her, mate. But it sounds way too complicated. Find something that's easier otherwise it will be nothing but pain
MakeAspirit · 41-45, M
I'd run a mile from that if I was you bud. Do you know what I mean . If she's trying to reverse it onto you she actually has the problem . That's what you call mind games cause she be trying to make you the crazy one . There's plenty of woman like that. Will I tell you why cause they know that they can the attention and jump from one onto another . Your insecurity would keep you in it but trust me if you stay in it you know about insecurity then . Pain pain and more pain. There was this person judged me earlier on today I had the person on my Facebook which I thought he was ok . I deleted it cause if I didn't I would be the one in pain . My insecurity would afterwards be try to be nice so too get liked by him if I stayed in it So I stayed out of it . Be your own person not other people's version of you cause opinions can go to the extreme
Terrance · 41-45, M
Was her one night stand when you two were in a relationship?
Terrance · 41-45, M
@Zenyatta That doesn't sound completely unreasonable..
Zenyatta · 26-30
@Terrance keeping it a secret for a couple weeks yeah, but for 3 years that's asking for trouble. I don't have a problem with her having a kid but the fact that she kept something like that from me as long as she did is beyond unacceptable
Terrance · 41-45, M
@Zenyatta From your language, I think the relationship is doomed. Three years is a long time, I agree. But you need to forgive or end it...

From the sounds of it there are probably too many issues to resolve, no matter how much you love each other
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
She says you can either deal with it or leave her alone.

Honestly, I'd leave her alone. Starting immediately. You don't mean much to her, don't settle for that.
FCNantes · 22-25, M
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
just crash that talk, end the topic those things go one forever better to just drop whatever it is
This is toxic
Azrael ·
Should've never gotten back with her mate
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Did she cheat on you?
Zenyatta · 26-30
@MartinTheFirst sorry I had to add more context to this.
Zenyatta · 26-30
@MartinTheFirst I haven't heard from her in days, so I wanted to see if she was ok so I looked through Facebook and found him...and shit
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Zenyatta Leave her mate lol... She sounds like absolute trash
Bitches like these are bad for your health!!!
MethDozer · M
Yeah based on what is here and the fact you are posting it on SW sounds like you're nuts.
MethDozer · M
@SW-User True. All over.

Still it helps to be able to speak properly and form sentences.
@MethDozer I do just fine.

Sw doesn't pay my bills. It's nothing to take serious.
MethDozer · M
@SW-User Nothing is worth taking seriously.

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