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polysexminoh · 56-60, M
Physically yes. Mentally, far younger and most likely just as immature. Keeps life fun!

Old age is a high price for wisdom.

SweetMae · 70-79, F
Believe me, no woman would lie about being 62!! Unless they were 80.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
So many honest people here. It's nice to know.
Yes I'm 63 years old born 1952 :D
JakeShade · 61-69, M
I do check women's age in their profile, but mostly to avoid being inappropriately flirtatious with women my daughters' age or younger! Of course, that doesn't help with ascertaining relationship status, general receptivity to flirtation and gender preferences!

I try not to be "fatherly" with younger women, as I find that potentially condescending. So far, even women who would not respond to my flirtation for various reasons, seem to appreciate the attention. I'm not here *primarily* to flirt, but it *is* a little like hanging out at a bar or coffee shop where there is a lot of back and forth, which seems to make it "easy" to toss in a little.

On EP I started out by stating my birthdate as 6/6/66, a stock response I give when someone asks my birthdate inappropriately. That placed my age at about 9 years younger than I am, and boy did I catch hell for that from several women who thought *they* were flirting with a 40-something instead of a 50-something. I finally gave over to my accurate birthdate, because I was tired of being accused of being sneaky.

I'm finally experiencing "ageism" in my life, mostly in my career, and am very sympathetic with women who I believe have to carry a larger brunt with that! Men tend to be assumed to become wiser and have more character with age (within limits) while women are often dismissed... part of our dysfunction around gender in this society.

I get in trouble for the use of the term "crone years", ( I believe it was coined (in modern usage) FOR it's confrontation). For all the negative associations it might elicit, I see a wise woman beyond childbearing years who now can focus on an entirely different mode of contribution and engagement in her community and personal life. Some of my favorite women in this world, from an early age were definitely over 60 and some well into their 80's or 90's. Maybe I will use this topic as a reason to learn how to post a new topic... I think it is an important one that maybe men can speak to in a different way than women can.
It doesn't really bother me when people say they're 100+ because at least we know it's not true. What bothers me is if people say they are a reasonable age and they are way off the mark.
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Suethenudist · 31-35, F
Yes I am 26
No. I changed it because I got tired of ageism stigma. If you ask, I'll tell you. I have no problem.Younger ones have no respect for older folks... so why not being ancient and to hell with it. LMAO! Thanks for asking, love.
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
Yes, I have no reason to lie about my age, identity, and experiences. I am who I am, no need to lie about anything on the internet.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@pinkrainbowkisses why unfortunately? Haven't you heard the expression, "Life begins at 40?"
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@ Linda26: The beginning of "Senior-SW!" 😆 LOL
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Wow, you were there a long time.
Wittyname · 31-35, M
I just turned 24 on the 5th this month.
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
@Loretta I'm not sure if it's because people have some sort of social phobia or what that makes them lie about who they are on the internet. But people shouldn't be so afraid to be themselves. I mean, this is the internet, you're behind a screen and no one is going to harm you unless you give out too much personal information.
yes but sometimes I feel older😕
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@ Linda26: Yes, indeed! :-D LOL
I am even surprised that all these old people know so very well how to handle the internet. My grandaunt was still very much younger than 100+. She was just 86 years old. But she didn´t know at all how to use internet. She almost didn´t know the meaning of this...
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Thank you, My friend.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Yes. You look younger than your age range Mae.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
until my birthday
SweetMae · 70-79, F
62 is a great age!!
Carver · 31-35, F
Yes, I'm 24.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I hate to see people my age pretend to be 40.
Myself11 · 61-69, M
yes I am 55
Yes * giggles * 😏
Suethenudist · 31-35, F
JakeShade · 61-69, M
I was teasing because your profile indicates no age at all! Your pic does look younger, I suppose that is just "clean living"? <smile>
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Antonioio. Thank you. It is what it is. I have enjoyed every age along the way.
booboo · M
wow!! you're my age? Father time has been very kind to you must have taken really good care of yourself over the years...
Summer · 51-55, F
Wow. 69 answers. I'm too tired to go through them all. Did anyone say no?!
aradia11 · 61-69, F
people need to be more truthful it is foolish to see so many 100 + on here
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I forgot about that. Thank you. I suppose it is due to "clean" living and good genes.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@BennyValentine I can understand that. Most people have been good to me here.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Oh Sweet I wasn`t meaning you. I was teasing SweetEmotions. Non of us are old. ;)
That's wonderful Mae. I do have some good folks here as well.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@Bijouxbroussard Thank you. You have been so kind to me.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Blewynanifall: both my parents are in that age range, and very much alive :)
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Yes, I am. I will be 63 this fall. The picture was taken last fall.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@quietone Thank you for your honesty
xmedleft · 51-55, M
Affirmative, right in the middle of that range
Alfarrobas · 31-35, M
Well, yes. Not all the ages, but just one. 27.
its ok Mae -- I just get tired sometimes
Wittyname that was my birthday too!!
Fredbloggs · 31-35, M
Well I stuffed up with my age and can't change it yet.
Linda26 · 31-35, F
@Loretta: maybe super senior? :)
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
Yes. I see no reason to lie about anything.
Linda26 · 31-35, F
yes, i am 26. many have 100+. i dont know whats that..

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