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Her: "I just want you to chase me!" Me: "I can't chase someone who doesn't respect me."

It's a constant cycle: She shows up, then she bails. Then she shows up, and then she bails. I get we all have things going on in our lives, but I have my own mission in life and when she bails it seems like she doesn't respect that. Door's always open, but you'll forgive me if I opt to walk away from a disrespectful woman.
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Prettybratbi1tch · 26-30, F
I would suggest you run, she's doing that because she knows you'll always take her back.
@Prettybratbi1tch Good point! She is a user of opportunity!
No point in chasing someone who consistently bails.
If you could transition to just friends that might make things easier - but I have a feeling that she feels compelled or addicted to emotional games - some kind of unconscious thing.
It might be cleaner to make a complete break. Then at least you'd be free to find someone capable of sticking around and yet also interested in her own independent life.
Don't have the door open. Break the cycle.
At what point are you going to stop the madness.

Think about it.

This is a mess.

She's probably a narcissist.

Going deeper and deeper into a relationship with red flags, pondering doubts and whatever isn't going to make you happy or satisfied

I'm stuck here I know what I'm talking about
Sounds like they are afraid of commitment or just need to do some growing up. I would suggest walking away.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow all I can do at this point. I tend to leave doors open for people, but I won't go out of my way to let her in anymore. I just can't...
luvelle · 22-25, F
The push and pull is crazy. Some people do that because they think you'll always take them back no matter what. It's a good thing you don't tolerate disrespect, that will teach her a lesson.
@luvelle I hope so. We had a good thing for a long time, but we grew differently and she has a hard time accepting that. Hopefully she can be better and grow in her own way.
Make sure the door don't hit her where the Good Lord split her. All those games they play
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Close the door.
eMortal · M
Lol I thought Andrew Tate cured all men of this disease! No more simping!
Stop wasting your braincells on her.

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