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I'm almost giving up to have relationship

I feel like I'm not capable of relationship. It's been a year since I became independent and I feel like I will not entertain anyone. There are few guys who tries to get to know me, but I always end up making friends with them. I'm extremely jealous of happy couple, but I don't want to have a partner at the same time. My sister told me that my ex posts photos of us, and I don't even want to see them.

Am I happy? A bit. Am I sad? A lot. Being broke is a different type of sadness. Will anything good will happen to me before 2024?

Update base on my sister: my ex deleted my photos and replaced with his new gf.
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Tachyeon · 26-30, F
It's about the mindset. Your year long independence seems to have made a shell around yourself that stops you from being open about your need for a new relationship.

Being friends with anyone shouldn't stop your progress. A relationship doesn't begin suddenly after a friendship, so don't be afraid to take a few steps further, and focus on your mutual interests with everyone before you decide that you're comfortable to engage with someone as a life partner.

But most importantly take your own time and be at peace first.
Tumbleweed · F
The most important lesson I've learned is to first know and love yourself. When you're confident and comfortable with who you are and what you want, the rest just seems to fall in place. I live alone, pay my own way and play by my own rules and life for me is just simple and peaceful. It took me awhile to realize that I can actually be happy alone. Relatioships are important, yes, but not necessary. 🙂
NeptuneRising · 18-21, F
have you ever tried staying friends for a while and letting things move naturally
MountainManWithaDog · 56-60, M
@NeptuneRising I became friends with a young lady and we both let things naturally progress. She had just graduated with her Masters degree in accounting; I was recently honourably discharged from overseas Navy Combat Camera active duty. We met on the set of a feature film we were both on working as freelance contractors; each working on our first motion picture. Our initial meeting was less than cordial. To her, I was the pain in the ass who wouldn’t stop what I was doing to fill out payroll paperwork. To me, she was the pain in the ass who couldn’t wait until the end of the day when I would have time to read what I was filling out and signing. We became platonic friends during the shoot. After the film was over, we spoke about possibly dating, but her next job took her to a New York television show. I was headed to a Los Angeles, to work on a movie for television. We spoke on the phone every night and continued to try to get together for almost a year. “Distance makes the heart grow fonder”. Our schedules finally allowed us three days together. We enjoyed being with one another and found ourselves romantically involved, believing this was the greatest feeling ever, for those three short days. She was off to California, to work on a television series and I was headed to the Philippines, to work on a feature film for six months. At that time, it was extremely difficult and expensive to communicate by phone overseas. When I got back to the states, she was seeing someone else while working and living in Toronto. I was headed for a job in Los Angeles.
I guess what I’m trying to share is, live in the moment for yourself and know you will meet the right person at the proper time. Don’t try to force anything to fit and don’t sell yourself short of the goals you seek to achieve. We have remained close friends for over 30 years. We were both married, (her, about six months to an abusive spouse; I was married 28 years to a narcissist crazy woman). We both had children, and we both divorced from our spouses. We recently met up in a city we were both passing through at the same time for five days. It was awesome, but not the same as we hoped it would be. We both decided to remain friends and to not ruin our very close friendship by trying to force something more than that. To this day, she is my emergency contact, if something should happen to me. I remain her pain in the ass with paperwork she might get stuck with, if something happens to me.
Be your independent and strong self. The right life partner is worth the wait. Don’t rush; enjoy your independence and life until what’s his name offers you to share his what’s his last name.
MountainManWithaDog · 56-60, M
Yes, of course many things will be wonderful for you. First off, you understand more of yourself than you think. Secondly, you are awesome for speaking from your heart. Most people lie to themselves maintaining a certain bravado and false self image to themselves and everyone around them. Continue to be honest with yourself. All roads rise from truth. If I were a thousand years younger, you would be someone who I would want to see if we were compatible as soul mates. You are a rare find. Don’t sell yourself short or settle for anyone less than perfect for you.
Why do you think you’re not capable of being in a relationship?
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
You seem to be in conflict with yourself
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@Strictmichael75 exactly. Is it normal?
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@sugarpie you should work on changing it
Message me if you want to chat more
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Hey there sugarpie 🐰

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