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If you're man in a couple, when you go out do you feel you have to 'compete' with other men for her attention ?

Or should it be automatic that she is 100 pct there for and with you and if other men try to approach either she and/or you intervene? Does a man in a couple have to 'defend' his wife/partner/girlfriend from other sexually predatorial men?

I ask because fancy dates were never a feature of any of my relationships. I remember my second ex showing me her really fancy going out clothes but we never went out on fancy dates and she never put anything fancy/erotic/sexy on for me.
exexec · 61-69, C
I never felt the need to compete for her attention. She is always free to interact with other men, dance with them, talk to them, always making it clear that she and I are a couple.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
If you're in a relationship you should both feel secure that the other person is there for you and not other people 😅
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@Cassieeeee Exactly what I'm getting at! Though I'm sure there are plenty of instances where men try to chat up another man's partner for whatever reason to see how susceptible she might be to straying. Kind of a reverse osmosis of the 'strawberry test' doing the rounds on Tik-Tok.
I’ve never felt the need to compete but any girl that would put me there is not a girl that I’d pursue.

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