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He lied to me

I’m in a messy situation. So I’ve been talking to this guy for a little over a year now. We’re not dating. He face timed me a few weeks ago and I noticed a scratch on his face. It was healed but you can tell it was a pretty deep scratch. I asked him what happened and he said it came from football practice. I said ok so I let it go. So fast forward to two days ago. He calls me upset and asks me if I can drive to his school to see him (mind you his university is 4 hours away from me). So my dumb a** drives all the way down there. He calls me when I’m 40 minutes away to tell me he has bad news. At that point I’m exhausted from the drive and I tell him to just hold on to it till I get there. When I get there we go to his room and he tells me he was talking to another girl and she was abusing him. The scratch he told me he got from football was really from her and there was more scratches I’ve never seen on his body. He also told me that they had drove to the neighboring state to hangout and she left him there but she eventually came back to pick him up. She’s texted him and threatened him multiple times to the point he had to report her. She also reported him and now he is possibly going to get suspended from his football team. And he slept with her.
I had been having strong feelings for months that he was talking to someone else already. And this isn’t the first girl that has gone crazy on him before.
I do blame myself for letting this relationship go for as long as it has. All the feelings I’ve ever had leading up to this point were all true. I’m actually embarrassed. I don’t know how to end it.
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Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
I wonder how many girls he has led on, in the same way as you?

He has provided you with a story of who he is and what he is like and told you everything he wanted to built up this image of himself.

Then, in person, he reveals himself as a liar.

I don't think he has given you any idea of who he really is.

Run Run Run
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Don’t be embarrassed most of us have gotten duped on occasions and there are some grand manipulators out there. Just be honest that you can’t honestly continue with someone that you can’t trust and that is not honest with you. That’s totally understandable.
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
After that I wouldn’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth tbh..
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
No need for you to feel bad. His loss and he created it. Tell him to have a nice life and walk away and dont look back. He has already shown you he can lie to you. Just my opinion
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
I don’t know how to end it.
It's easy. Just stop responding to him.

If you live four hours drive away then it's simple, you aren't going to bump into him in the street. Just drop him, block him, don't answer emails, mark his number as spam in your mobile.

He's not worth bothering with even if he was the one being abused by another woman because he has been lying to you.
Why don't you know how to end it?
AnonymousLoner · 26-30, F
@SW-User I’m emotionally attached
@AnonymousLoner You can grieve the loss and in time you will get over it. Or you can keep getting your heart broken by a man who doesn't know what he wants. It is a hard decision emotionally, but the question is, do you love yourself enough to make this tough choice?
Good luck.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Don’t fault yourself for having a good heart
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Sounds like more baggage than you can handle. Are you sure he is the right guy for you? Ask yourself that question as you ponder this. Your heart will give you the answer. Sorry about the toxic situation
AnonymousLoner · 26-30, F
@SW-User I’ve been asking myself that way before this even happened. I feel like my intuition is telling me something and I should probably listen.
@AnonymousLoner I agree, that is the best way
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Yeah I'd just take the L. You got lied to, hurt and cheated on. This person didn't trust you enough to be himself and never will. But you're very cool so just keep hanging out with friends, grieving the loss of someone you cared for and watch lots of comedy tv shows.

"You lied to me, you faked being in a relationship and now I'm incredibly hurt. I don't want to be with you and I don't trust you'll not try manipulate me again. Consider this contact cut." You can use that if you like.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
Just don't answer his calls or text messages anymore. He is seeing other women so he's using you and the other girls.
Just end it !
Why put up with that. There are plenty of men out there that would love to date you
Punches · 46-50, F
This is why it is not good to get involved with someone who lives hours away.
AnonymousLoner · 26-30, F
@Punches he really lives 30 minutes away from me. His university is 4 hours away but yes you’re right. I wanted to end things when he left for school but I couldn’t do it.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
I am sorry you are hurting. Sounds like you really liked this guy.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
"We're done!"

and date somebody from your school
AnonymousLoner · 26-30, F
@Pretzel the options are few here lol
Cut contact and let him deal with his own mess. Good riddance. You dodged a bullet.
Nebula · 41-45, F
I'm sorry ☹️ don't be embarrassed, people like that are very good at lying
pdockal · 56-60, M
eMortal · M
He’s lying to you. Stay away from that college drama. You don’t want to end up with a bullet hole in your body. Also chances are he physically abused her.
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AnonymousLoner · 26-30, F
@allygator18 college football isn’t NFL but he plays at a division II. I’m not giving the name of the team though.
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if he’s lying about that, he prob lied that she hit him and he’s the one who abused her and she prob fought back..
AnonymousLoner · 26-30, F
@deathfairy it’s kind of hard to see him do that because of the type of person he is but I forgot to add that she also reported him and said that he was stalking her. His ex also said the same thing when she was trying to distance herself from him. It’s a pattern that I’m noticing. I just feel like he is leaving out things and only telling me what he wants me to know.
yeah i was gonna add that also, but felt u already know what’s up and what u should do. @AnonymousLoner
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@AnonymousLoner Go on the Steve Wilkos Show =
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
You can be foolish for believing someone else's lies, but you are never to blame for them. The ability to honestly and truly give out trust is a gift that is getting more and more rare in this world, but it is something the world needs more people to be able to do. So all of the blame lay in the people who would abuse and break that trust.

You said not dating, but that feelings were involved? I would probably break off communication and try to sort out your feelings without him attentive to manipulate or say. One woman accusing of this stuff could be a crazy person. But two makes a pattern. And if this dude is a football player, nobody is abusing him physically without him letting it happen or putting himself in position for it to happen.
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