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I dropped my ex's things outside of his apartment this morning

I messaged him that his things were outside of his apartment and then goes "Thanks. Goodbye, Diana. I hope you find someone that loves you the way you loved me." What does that mean?

Also, if that means that I loved him more than he liked me or that I treated him better than he treated me does that mean he might regret it in the future? I don't know. :( Why wouldn't you want to be with someone that loved you alot? Do you think in the future he might see it when other girls might not be as loving as the way I was? I don't know. :(
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Nope nope he's not implying he'll miss you or anything but that you deserve to be loved. And be happy.
And he's not the one for you.
He doesn't want to be, things didn't work out but still wishes you well. It's like that.
@SW-User Yep he doing a gentle men exit hope your well from here on out be safe good bye no hard feelings type deal yes true
@Elizabeth28 mm yeah people and their way outs. Still feels bad for her.
@SW-User Well hes being nice about it but yes true
I think someone's trying to play with your head. Don't focus on his future, his thoughts or anything else around him. Focus on yourself moving on from such an empty personality.
ProfessorPlumsBum · 26-30, F
Well said @SUPERVlXEN
Id be incredibly upset if that was said to me haha . Its a hurtful and unnecessary thing to say ,almost patronising too
lilangel · 26-30, F
@PepsiColaP It's basically saying "I hope you find someone that likes you as much as you liked me" right?
@lilangel yeah like implying youre the sore loser but better luck next time lol
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I would take it to mean that you were a loving person and you felt more for him than he felt for you - and you deserve better than he gave you

they are exes for a reason. let him fade into memory and move on to your next new chapter.
Northwest · M
It means you should move on.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
That sounded more like a business reply after an employee was terminated from his job..."Good luck on all your future endeavors".
black4white · 56-60, M
Sounds like he just opened the door for you and not just closed it shut but SLAMMED it with a its all your fault kinda attitude...

Not sure how long you 2 were together but ya know.... live ..learn..move on... dont look back at it too much
@black4white I don't see it like that at all
black4white · 56-60, M
@SW-User And thats ok.... but he is telling her to find someone that loves her the way she did him...meaning he didnt give her the love she needs OR couldnt. Also from previous posts she says he tells her she is immature emotionally... well ya know what... LoL

And at the end of the day.. i could be totally wrong and thats ok too :-)
It means that he wishes you well and wants you to be happy. Nothing more, and nothing less. I sent a similar text to my ex on her birthday, so I would know.

I know it's hard, but I learned a long time ago that the breakup is all the closure you get. It sucks, but at the very least he still cares about your well being. Take it to heart that he cares, and use that to move on.
CultOfPersonality · 36-40, M
I think he has said that just to get in to your head and get back at you
dale74 · M
In every relationship someone always gives more. Unfortunately those of us that seem to give more and devote more to the relationship than to get hurt harder when it's over. I wish you the best of luck.
Josh1454 · M
Essentially he found no problem with the relationship and that he fell short of your expectations. He hopes you find someone that makes you feel the way you made home feel.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
He knows more about himself and what he has done than you will ever, or want to, know.
He is leaving you the way that you are and not doing anymore damage.
Will he regret your break up?
But he will definitely miss you.

Possible scenario.

What do I know ?
It didn't happen to me.
I am not either one of you.
And thank the universe for that! (Whew.)
I wouldn't want to be in your shoes .
Or his.
Nobody wants to be mine.

I'm insane.
Wow. You’re way better off without him
@SW-User yeah in the end it still sucks
@SW-User oh how I know that well
Definitely wasn’t discounting that aspect
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
He had a good time with . He knows he wasn’t right for you. He may regret all the love from time to time unless the bad outweighs it
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔.............I think he is saying that you didn't love him......But it's kinda confusing what he said and what he meant.........
Not everyone is looking for the same things. He's saying you deserve something else.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
To put it simple, would you want him back at some point or not?
PatKirby · M
You sure he wasn't seeing someone else on the side?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Thanks. Goodbye, Diana. I hope you find someone that loves you the way you loved me." What does that mean?

It's a backhand insult. He hopes somebody treats you the way he believes you treated him.
90scartoons33 · 31-35, F
Narcissistic AF
Beardedguy · 36-40, M
:( oh no im so sorry
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
So you're single? 😃
Theyitis · 36-40, M
I’m sorry.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
That's sad.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
He’s messing with your head just move on, the right man will come along honestly xx
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Sounds like he's hoping some one screws you over emotionally. But I could be wrong, not knowing the situation.
Teslin · M
Sounds like he was making you out to be a scapegoat.
You're better than that.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
could be worse though

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