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Do any of you read ten books a month?

I know that many here enjoy reading, whether for knowledge, pleasure...or both, like most of us who enjoy reading books. I got wondering how many here do actually complete reading that many books a month, due to a question I noticed someone else asking recently.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
For most of my life I read at least a book a week. But I'm going blind and can't read real books anymore.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@hunkalove My wife has trouble reading now (and she was a iibrarian so she wants to read all the time!). She has switched to audio books and listens to them for hours a day. She's listening to one right now.
Piper · 61-69, F
@hunkalove That is sad, and something I've dreaded the possibility of happening. I know audio books are not at all a bad option, but I'd miss being able to hold and read a book very much.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
One of my retirement goals was to reread all those “classics” that were required reading in school. Now I wanted to just get the enjoyment of it plus see if age put a different slant on things. I’m lucky to get one a week read but still try.
Piper · 61-69, F
@SageWanderer It sounds to me as if you're keeping to your goal just fine. 😊
I always tend to have a few books on the go. Many novels I get part of the way there then they fall away. Non-fiction I am always reading bits and pieces. Sometimes they become very interesting and I read the whole book.

Just to add, I have been reading Thomas Mann's "Joseph and His Brothers", his own take on the Biblical story. 1500 pages. Very small print, so hard on my eyes. I read it when I am in Oxfam every tuesday. Reached about page 820 so far - I think I've got to the bit where Joseph is going to be seduced by Pharoah's wife!
I read for an hour every night at work before it gets dark. In the winter, reading is my favorite indoor hobby. I have built-in shelves overflowing with books and I regularly trade them in at local roadside book nooks too. Been reading since age 4. One of my passions. When I was off work, I read a book a day.
Ward Cleaver told June, Wally, and the Beaver that he read 3-4 books a week. That's 12 -16 books a month. And he worked on the farm, walked "20 miles a day to school and to the ice house and back". So it can be done, especially by the smartest and most sophisticated people here on SW.
Piper · 61-69, F
@LoneVoice I do recall Ward admitting that he'd exaggerated quite a bit, about the number of miles he'd walked a day when he was boy.

I had no doubt that it can be done.
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@Piper I was watching last night about Beaver's book report on "Treasure Island" . Ward said "when I was Beaver's age I read 3 or 4 books a week." I immediately thought of your post 😂
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Pretty much every month -- or more than ten some times.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I have at certain times, but I am so busy during the warmer months that I don't read as much as I do during winter. I always have a stack of books ready to read.
Piper · 61-69, F
@windinhishair I never have, but I've always tended to savour a good book and not rush the finishing of it.
HannahSky · F
That'd be tough to finish reading 10. I think people combine audio and reading as reading.
Piper · 61-69, F
@HannahSky I think it would be for me, even though I've most always had a book I look forward to reading at the end of the day. I've never strived to finish reading that many books in a month, either.
HannahSky · F
@Piper in school I read so much, I think I finally realized you don't have to read 10 books at a time. I go on rolls with always reading to waiting for some inspiration.
The only time I read 10 books in a month is when I was off my feet with an injury.
2 or 3 a month is usually all I have time for.
Piper · 61-69, F
@robingoodfellow Same with me, except I'm pretty sure I never read quite that many books in a month even then. More than the usual 2 or 3, but not that many.
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
Not anymore, but I did many years ago. For about 4 years, we didn't have a television or Internet. During that time I read about 2 or 3 books a week.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I don't think I have ever come close to that. And I do enjoy reading.
Piper · 61-69, F
@DrWatson Same for me, on both counts.

Those many years I worked in and helped run a bookstore, I had to strip the covers off paperbacks and discard the 'guts'. I really disliked having to do that, except for certain kinds of books. Many of those were 'thin' enough to very easily read 10 or more in a month, for those who wished to.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Piper Why did you have to do that?
Piper · 61-69, F
@DrWatson Because when the books had not sold, room had to made for new and or different ones. The publishers required proof that the books were not being resold, I think, and some credit was given to the company for the covers.
FrozenGuy · 61-69, M
I sometimes acquire 20+ books a month at used book sales, but getting to them is another story.
Piper · 61-69, F
@FrozenGuy Used books are a great resource for sure, whether buying...or borrowing from a library, and returning.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Not any more. As a teenager I read two or three hundred pages a day. It takes me most of the week to read the same amount.
Yes, I read about 13 children short stories book a month
3-4 books a month for the most part. I don't have time to read 10.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
I frequently read twice that number or more.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
At least that many most months.

I doubt I read 10 books a year
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Yeah 10 a month for 9 months
crownedwithlaurel97 · 26-30, F
no but i wish i could
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RenFur · 70-79, M
I love reading … probably the equivalent of 3 books a month. Last book I was reading was about physics

I personally feel it helps to keep our minds sharp ☺️
Piper · 61-69, F
@ThreeLittleBirds Usually 2 or 3, for me. At the end of a day before sleeping, though, I read for pleasure. I'll admit that for me, that wouldn't be a book about physics. 🙂
Azlotto · M
I do not. About 95% of my books are instructional.
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Piper · 61-69, F
@LoneVoice Oh? "Romance" novels, I'll assume.

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